Harvey Bullock #2

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I leaned against the bricks in the alley next to the GCPD, holding a cigarette between my fingers, blowing out a smoke ring. Harvey rounded the corner and I walked a little farther down the alley, he followed behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turn around and try to shape my mouth into a heart, blowing the smoke at him, he gave me a tiny smile and chuckled. "I don't think it's very nice to blow smoke in the face of your friend" I cross my arms and back up "Friend? Is that what you're going for Harvey?" He shakes his head "You haven't exactly verified what this is, dear" he gestures between us and steps towards me. "I haven't figured that out yet, I mean...you're Jim's friend and you're older than me and I just..." I couldn't find the words to say to him, luckily he found them for me.

"I don't think that really matters, I mean you're growing up, you're 25, Jim needs to deal with it if he doesn't like it...but I... well I'm not great at this kind of shut but damn it I just, I want you" he puts his hands on my shoulders and kisses me, arms going around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"What the hell Bullock, we need you in the- oh my god" Harvey steps back from me and holds his hands in front of him, facing Jim "Listen..this uhhh- Jim just-" "Did he do that without your permission?" Jim asked me "N-no, he had the right to..." I trail off, stepping forward to Jim "You have no right to be mad...because I'm an adult and I'm-" "Why would I be mad?" He interrupts me "I mean, he's a good guy, and you've seemed happier lately so.. I'm not mad" he smiles and I smile back. I hug Harvey and Jim grimaces "If you hurt my sister, I will have you arrested, Bullock" he laughs and kisses the top of my head "Don't worry".

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