Bruce Wayne #12

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For hikiNEET4510471 it's short but I tried my best ^ _ ^

"What happened?" "I made a deal with them, promised that I wouldn't go and get involved anymore, that I would stop looking for who killed my parents" he said, looking up at me and rubbing his hands together. He was taken by this man in all black and he was wearing a black mask, knocking me and Alfred out before taking off with Bruce. "But you're okay?" He nodded and stood up, pulling me into a hug "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere ever again okay?" I look up at him and smile, he kisses my forehead and we go off to bed. Later than night, I shoot up, breathing heavily before feeling arms wrap around my and pull me down "It's okay, it's okay" he whispers, running his hand over my arm and trying to calm me down.

"{y/n}, don't be afraid alright? I'm here, I'm here" he says quietly as my breathing becomes steady again and Alfred comes into the room "She's fine" Bruce says, "I can handle it Alfred, go back to sleep" I close my eyes and whimper, not wanting to go back to sleep "I d-don't want you to get h-hurt" I say and he kisses my forehead "I love you Bruce Wayne" I continue before going back to sleep.

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