Bruce Wayne #2

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{A/N I've been listening to 'Toothpaste Kisses' by The Maccabees for a few hours, and I had the cutest freaking idea! {Oswald soon btw} I hope you like it as much as I do :)}

"I like you, {y/n}" I smiled as Bruce held his hand in mine and I placed my head on his shoulder. "What do we do now?" I sighed "I don't know, I guess we walk around and be all gross and romantic" he stood up and pulled me with him.

I pulled him towards me and kissed him again, he put his arm around my shoulders when we pulled apart. After a minute or so he turned me towards him. "What are you doing?" "Keeping you safe" he placed his head on top of mine, he put his finger under my chin, making me look up at him.

He placed his lips on mine without warning, I felt as if the world had stopped, as cheesy as it sounds, I felt like no one else was around and it was just so...peaceful. He didn't say anything as we began to walk the long path to my house, he whispered in my ear as put his arm around my shoulders again "I think you're amazing {y/n}" I smiled up at him.

"Bruce" I let his hand leave mine and I stood in the middle of the sidewalk "What is it?" He looked really concerned and I smiled at him "You taste like toothpaste" we both laughed as our hands slid back together and we kept walking.

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