Bruce Wayne #9

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"I'm not doing this today Cat" Selina shook her head "You have to kid, there's no choice" I scoffed "Yeah right, Bruce do you actually think this is a good idea?" He nodded "Honestly yes, even though we're stealing from thugs" I gave a small smile and he took my hand "You two aren't allowed to be lovebirds on this mission, they'll kill you both" "We're not idiots Selina" Bruce pointed out abruptly before she sighed and we walked out. As we entered Ivy's lab in the basement quietly, I rolled my eyes as I saw all of the drugs lined up on tables and shelves "Ivy, this is a lot, okay so what are we gonna do?" "We're gonna drug them and then steal the money" I nodded and blocked out everyone's voices.

Later on after we tried stealing the money, we got caught by the dick that is Butch's nephew. He currently had Selina pinned on a table "You're a coward! Abusing a girl" Bruce snapped and he raised his eyebrows before walking over to Bruce and dragging him by his shirt, pushing him onto the floor. He punched him and I closed my eyes "Stop it!" "Call me a coward one more time!" "You're a coward" Bruce spat at him and he began to repeatedly punch him in the face. "Stop it you asshole!" "Stay out of this {y/n}!" He growled at me and my eyebrows raised, he's never yelled at me before. I guess that's what happens when your parents die and you're exposed to so much death and torture. "No wonder your mommy and daddy are dead Brucie" I shook my head and looked at Bruce as he stood up and started punching him in the face repeatedly, a lot more brutal might I add.

"Bruce! Selina! Let's go" I yelled as the men rushed over to their knocked out leader. We got out with the money and I took a deep breath once we were far away "Oh my god, that was incredible, Bruce? Are you all right?" I looked over his black swelling eye. I was mending Bruce's eye a few hours later, almost done with patching him up. "You did good today Bruce, I love you you idiot" he smiled slightly and I pecked his lips before patching him up quickly and kissing him again. "I love you too, but please don't get involved {y/n}" he pleaded and I nodded kissing his forehead. "Let's go to bed, at least I'm not falling asleep with a coward" he rolled his eyes with a grin and we headed to bed.

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