Jerome Valeska #1- Insane

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"You're funny, but ya know that already don't ya gorgeous?" I giggled at the way he spoke to me, "So, what's a girl like you doin' in Arkham?" "Well, I killed 4 cops and hung them from street lights next to the GCPD, it was fun" I giggled again. He put his arm around me "I like a girl who knows how to get crazy" he laughed hysterically and I kissed his cheek before he started to blush.

"Is somebody embarrassed?" I joked, "No, you're just making me hot" he whispered seductively in my ear "You were hot before I kissed you" I winked at him and he pulled me onto his lap. "Y/N" he stated "Jerome?" He placed his lips on mine roughly and I moaned, suddenly I heard people cheering, "Yeah Jerome, get some!" Sionis yelled and winked at us as we broke apart. "Date me, gorgeous?" "Of course Mr.J" and from then on out we were destined to be Insane together.

{A/N sorry if it's too short, I'm trying harder while writing other stories you should check out. :)}

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