Jervis Tetch #2 (SMUT)

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"You're mine"
Warnings: Sexual content, cursing, extremely inappropriate btw, enjoy otherwise

"My love, please, I don't want to hurt you, I don't" he takes my face into his gloved hands and kisses my forehead "Don't fight me, please" he had been trying to make me do something I didn't want to do. I struggle to look at him, but I do "Jervis, you can't m-make me do that" he furrowed his eyebrows "You mean have sex? I'm not trying to make you do anything" "Yes you are, you tied me to a fucking chair" he undid my hands and held them to his chest "Do you feel the way my heart beats when I look at you, a beauty like you" I could, it was thumping like it would pop out at any minute. I was overreacting to this, as well as overwhelmed by his actions. "I l-" I tried, I was nervous and I almost punched him, almost. He untied my feet and brought me up, holding me by my waist close to him. I look up at his concerned face and take his hat off of him, putting it on the table next to me. I ran my hands over his head and held his face "I....l-love you" his grip tightened and I could see this look in his eyes. It was...adoration for me, me. "I love you too, I love you..." he rubbed our noses together "Fuck I love you so much {y/n}, I can't.. I can't take it" I got very nervous as he took one of my hands and put it right above his crotch "You have no idea how much" I moved my hand down a little and he sighed "I will not do anything that you don't want me to, I promise" I brought him into the living room, making sure the curtains were closed. I pushed him onto the couch and put my legs on either side of his body.

"Is this what you want" I whispered, pulling my shirt over my head he nodded with wide eyes "Yes..I j-just" I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms, looking down. He moved my arms "You changed your mind quickly, that's all, I thought you were scared" I leaned forward, getting some confidence back and pressed my forehead against his "I was, but we do need to take care of that and I felt bad" I grounded my hips down into his and he groaned "Oh dear... please, please" I kissed him for the what felt like the first time ever "I love you baby" I whispered and kept kissing him, going down to his neck "I know what you want Jervis" "Oh yeah?" He asked, voice getting gruff instantly. I got in my knees and took him out of his dress pants, taking him in my hand and going up and down slowly before licking a strip on his member. He nodded his head "You really do don't you? God, you're so hot" he put his hands on my head gently and I sucked him off.

I pulled of for a second to breathe "Have you ever had anybody do this before?" He shook his head quickly "Good, because you're mine" he grinned cheekily and I went back to it. He finished soon enough with a string of "Fuck, yes yes yes, oh my god" I went back to my position before and held his shoulders, looking into his eyes and swallowing visibly. I saw him shiver and he growled, kissing me hungrily "Let me fuck you, please" he whispered. I got up hesitantly and went to the stairs, leaving him baffled until I reached the top of the stairs "Well do you want to fuck me or not?" I called from the door of the bedroom. I heard shuffling and he ran up the stairs, looking exhausted from just that. He slammed the door and locked it, putting his hands on my hips and pushing my jeans down my legs "Christ, look at you" he said, astonished at the sight. He pulled my underwear off and threw them in the corner, instantly licking me. I cried out, "Where the hell did you learn how to do that" "Nowhere, i'm just fucking hungry" he growled and kept going, finding my clit and sucking it fiercely, surprising me. I pulled his hair gently "You naughty man" he groaned and it sent vibrations through me. "I want the whole city of Gotham to hear my name from your lips".


"Christ Jervis" I giggled at him as he brought the blanket over us "I couldn't help myself, you're a screamer and I wanted more". I kissed him again softly "I love you, you love me, and you just...can we just get married already" he whispered, pulling me close to him. "Someday, I'm not going anywhere for now".

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