Bruce Wayne #7

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"Get the hell off of me!" I screamed as Silver jumped on me with a knife in her right hand. I struggled, kneeing her in the stomach and then kicking her heel before she fell. "Silver stop!" Bruce's voice boomed in the room, bouncing off of the walls, she stared at him as she stood up. She looked awestruck, confused, and just plain bored as Bruce stood in front of me while taking me hand in the process. "Leave her alone, or I'll be forced to do something I've never done before".

She gaped at him as she stepped back, "Really Bruce?" She glared at me and I sent one back "To save her soul?" He began to walk towards her and slowly push her towards the open window. "But who will save yours" she said quietly "Goodbye Silver" he pushed her and my mouth fell slightly open "Oh my god, Bruce" I stressed and ran to the window. I looked to the ground to see that she wasn't there, but there were footprints in the snow.

"Well, at least she'll live" I said as I turned to Bruce and kissed him longingly. "I love you, Bruce Wayne" he hugged me as tightly as he could "I love you too, and I will never let you go {y/n}".

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