Jason Skolimski #1

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{I've wanted to do this one for a while. I hope there's a percentage that like the Ogre}

"Stay here for the day, with me" I shook my head and sighed "I have to call them if I'm staying, so let me do that first" he nodded and smiled, following me to the phone. "I'll let you do the honors Jason" I chuckled and he wrapped an arm around my waist, putting the phone to his ear "Hi, my name is Jason {l/n}, I'm {y/n}'s brother and our father has just died, she needs off for a few days, four at the least" I heard talking that I couldn't make out and he smiled down at me "Thank you for your condolences" he hung up and picked me up "Jason!". He took me to his room and put me on his bed.

He sat on the side of the bed and I laid there, staring at him "When I first met you, I was gonna kill you" I nodded and sat up "Go on" he raised his eyebrows "I thought you would run from me, and now that I know more about you..I feel different" my eyes were as wide as an animated raccoons. I crawled to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders "I've killed so many women, you would've been the twelfth" my face softened and I kissed his cheek from behind and sighed "Serial killer...? I'm okay with that, just don't kill me...because I love you Jason" he sighed in relief "I've seen that room you have, is that where you did it? Killed them, I mean?" He nodded and stood up, bringing me with him.

"Wow" I paced back and fourth, glancing at his weapons of torture. "You don't scare me, you know that right?" I didn't turn to him as he put his arms around my waist, "I never thought a woman could be so brave" he murmured before he began to walk out "Jason" he stopped right at the door as I turned around "I love you, but if you try to murder me I won't go down without a fight" he raised his eyebrows and nodded "Yes ma'am".

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