Jim Gordon #2

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"No. Jim, whatever you're about to do, don't do it."

I stood in front of my boyfriend, Jim Gordon, he said we both had to leave the dirty, evil stress of Gotham. That it'd be good for me to get rid of my friends, my brother, Jim was holding my arm so I didn't run away from him.

"When you wake up we'll be gone. You'll forget about us eventually and have a happy life" I straightened my back, sadness on my face "And why would I want that? Why would I want to leave?" He sighed "Because it's the only way. That stuff in his head, the image of you, they could use it to kill him, and you." "That won't change what I've done, I'll always remember it" he stood there, shocked "Tell me what you did?" "What else? What else do you think I did? I killed so many people. I love you but if you drag me out that door, Jim, the situation will blow up in your own face!" "You were trying to trick me into staying?!" "What are you trying to do to me?" I fought back "I'm trying to keep you safe" "Why?" The room fell silent and Jim let go of the grip he had on my arm.

"Nobody's ever safe. I never asked you for that, ever." I took a step towards him "These have been the best years of my life and they are mine. Tomorrow's promised to no one, but I insist upon my loved ones. I am entitled to my family. It's mine".

"What am I doing? You're right. You're always, always right." I walked over to Jim and he put his hands on my shoulders. "So what happens now. Eh? Me and you, what do we do now?" "I'm not sure you managed to kill Jerome Valeska. I'm not even sure that you can do anything but hide. It'll do something to one of us. Better than flipping a coin." I chuckled "Jim...".

"You and me. Together. Look how far I went for fear of losing you. This has to stop. One of us has to go." "Yeah, yeah I know" I was on the edge of tears before Jim pulled me into a tight hug.

"You can stay {y/n}, but right now....I can't" I shook my head and pulled him into another hug, "I know, I'll miss you Jim" he held me tighter than he ever could before and I didn't want him to let go, but he had to.  "Goodbye for now {y/n}, I love you" he whispered before I kissed him intensely, tears falling down my face. "I'll be back as soon as I can.....I promise you that". "I love you, Jim Gordon" "I love you...{y/f/n} {y/l/n}".

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