Harvey Dent #2

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{Watched Fifty Shades Of Grey yesterday....so I sort of copied it...wasn't intended when i wrote this}

I walked down the stairs in a slow manner....considering I didn't want to go out, if I'm being honest I'd rather convince my boyfriend to stay home with me so we could watch movies all day. "Harveyyyyyy" I whined "do we have to go out?" He chuckled "Yes, it's your birthday, of course we have to go out!" He stopped and put his face close to mine "Your birthday is the best part of the year ya know" he was obviously trying to make me feel better but it wasn't helping. He took my left hand in his right "Dance with me" I smiled slightly and put my right hand on his shoulder while he placed his left hand on my waist.

I listened to Frank Sinatra playing quietly throughout his apartment as we swayed back and fourth.

'And I've got no defense for it
The heat is too intense for it
What good would common sense for it do?'

Harvey pulled back and looked into my eyes as we swayed back and fourth before we both stepped back and he spun me around so my back was on his chest and his arms were around my waist. "'Cause there's no witch nicer than you" he said in my ear before turning me around and pulling me closer to him.

''cause it's witchcraft, that crazy witchcraft
And although I know it's strictly taboo
When you arouse the need in me
My heart says "Yes, indeed" in me
"Proceed with what you're leadin' me to'

He picked me up bridal style quickly and spun around as I laughed. He looked down at me and placed me on the ground before looking at his watch "Oh man...we missed our reservation honey" he said disappointingly, I looked at his watch "But the reservation's at 8:30, it's only 8:10-" he put a finger on my lips "No no, I'm sure we missed it" I smiled at him "No dinner huh?" He smirked and kissed me lovingly, "Nope, how does a movie sound?" He whispered and took me hand in his again. "Let's just keep dancing, two-face" he looked at me strangely "Two-face? What's that supposed to mean?" "Well one minute you wanna go to dinner and the next you wanna stay here". "Well I changed my mind for a good reason", he led me into dancing again and kept whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

'It's such an ancient pitch
But one I'd never switch
'cause there's no nicer witch than you'

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