Theo Galavan #2

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I hope you can hold together. Btw, Azrael lol.

I hated seeing him like this, the man I love was brought back to life. But he was a monster.


"Theo?" He laid on the ground in pain "Kitten...?" I nodded and he kissed me, life draining from him slowly as I held the cloth tighter against his stomach. Tears ran down my face and I refused to move "{y/n}! Move now!" Jim yelled at me "No!" I kissed Theo over and over "Theo Galavan, I love you" I whimpered as tears kept falling "I love you too kitten...{y/n}, move please, I love you but move" he pushed me and Oswald grabbed my arm, I punched him in the groin and he fell to the ground. Theo looked into my eyes "{y/n}, I love you so much" I didn't say anything, I just cried "Kitten, will you-" he was cut off by a gunshot and he fell to the ground. I ran over to him and shook him "Baby? No, please wake up!" I knew he was dead but I couldn't help it, I ran my hands against him and felt a box in his pocket. I took it out and opened it to see a ring, I almost screamed but put the ring on instead before standing up and beginning to walk, tears still spilling. "{y/n}!" "No!" I said harshly, facing him to see a shocked look "I hate you Jim Gordon!".

-Present Time-

"Professor Strange" I grabbed his arm, "Let me, I don't think he'd hurt me" he nodded "I hope you're right {y/n}". I slowly entered the cell and looked at the man who used to love me who was looking at me with fierce eyes. He slammed me against the wall, his hand around my neck. His eyes looked glossy and I saw realization hit his face but I could tell he wasn't sure, I couldn't get Theo back, but this was as close as I was going to get. "Azrael, my" I saw fear drop in his eyes and he let me go.

He tried to make words form but he couldn't figure it out. "{y/n}?" I nodded, at least he remembered me slightly. "My love....where am I?" I've never heard such a whimper come out of the man I love, it was like when he died but his voice was filled with more..heartbreak. "As long as I'm here it doesn't matter where you are" he nodded in confusion, he calmed down a little and I stepped towards him, grabbing him by the fabric of his suit by his chest. I kissed him softly and he sighed, immediately reacting, "My love" tears ran down his face "My- my kitten" I smiled sadly as we broke apart. Hugo entered the room and looked at him "My son, we have much to do" "Son?" I squeezed his hand "Well I brought you back didn't I?".

"We must go train, Azrael" he began to walk, pulling me with him but I let go of his hand "It's alright, I need to get back to my work" he furrowed his eyebrows and I kissed him again. "We don't have all day {y/n}" I glared at Hugo and walked over to him "Bring him to me when you're done" he nodded, sort of understanding. I walked in another direction and Azrael looked after me. I could get used to this.

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