Bruce Wayne #5

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{A/N Both of you are like 19 in this btw}

I pushed Bruce's hands down onto my mattress before kissing him longingly "It's great to be away for everyone, I miss them but still. I'd take this over Alfred any day"  I kissed him again and he sat up after pushing me back. "Bruuuce" I whined with puppy dog eyes, "Not yet, I have to show you something" he tried to get up and I forced all of my body weight onto him "Show me after" he thought for a second and answered quickly "Okay then"

"Okay what did you wanna show me?" I asked Bruce as he looked like he was about to doze off, his eyes widened and he rushed out of bed to go get whatever he was showing me. He came back and he had a small black box in his hand and I looked at him like he was crazy "Bruce, what the-" "It's not what you think" he interrupted me quickly and opened the box, it was a silver necklace with an engraving on the front 'Bruce & {y/n} 4ever' I smiled before standing up and hugging Bruce "I love it so much". What I didn't notice is that he had another little surprise, "Open the necklace, {y/n}"  I opened the locket slowly and there was a ring in it.

"Would you like to be Mrs.Wayne, {y/n}?" I nodded quickly "Yes! Of course I will Bruce" he kissed my face all over and pushed me onto the bed. {y/n} Wayne, that'll be different

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