Oswald Cobblepot #2 {Part 1}

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"{y/n} I need to speak with you on an important matter" I could feel my heart though my chest, I've always liked Ed more than I should, God knows I understood him more than Kristen ever could. Kristen has been my best friend since we were little kids and we've always been there for each other so I could never hate her, but she is being mean to him. I smiled up at him, hoping he finally gets the hints I throw at him, "What is it Ed? Happy to help in any way" "It's about you in a sort of way" he hesitated "Really?" "I need you to speak to Ms.Kringle" I rolled my eyes internally and smiled at him "I just feel like she's avoiding me and she doesn't see me whenever I walk into a room " "I'll talk to her Ed".

I made my way to Kristen in her 'office', and I passed Jim  "Hey Jim" I chirped as he stopped me "{y/n} how are you? Haven't spoken in a while" "I'm good, and how are you?" "Just fine, considering this case we have at the moment. Are you sure you're okay?" I sighed "Yeah, I just don't think that he knows that no means no, Ed I mean" he nodded with slightly wide eyes and I hit his shoulder "Looks like you've got a guest, I think you should deal with him before he caused trouble" I said while gesturing to the little Penguin who entered the doors of the GCPD before walking off "I don't know why he won't leave me alone" I heard Jim mumble as he walked down the stairs.

I watched the scene for a minute or two, he was trying to give Jim an invitation to something, 'I wonder what that's for'. I shrugged it off and continued to try and find Kristen, I slowed my pace as I saw Oswald and Ed having some sort of row, well Ed was trying to be nice and Oswald was getting pissed off. I walked down there and walked through them, "Gentlemen, what's the issue here?" Ed stared at me, slightly dumbfounded, before answering "Nothing, Mr.Cobblepot was telling me to keep my distance" he said through gritted teeth before walking away.

"Listen, Penguin, we don't need villains like you in the GCPD, unless you want me to leave holes in you hand, I suggest you leave" he shopkeeper his head "I'm not here to fight with him, I came here to win you over".

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