Jonathan Crane #1

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{Jonathan Crane #1-Nightmares}

"No no no no no!" Jon yelled as he sat up and thrashed his body, I sat on top of him while holding him down and taking his face in my hands "Jonny, it's okay, it's not real, it's not real" his body didn't give so I did what I had to, I stuck the needle into his shoulder and he yelped before passing out again. "Thank god for this" I whispered to myself as I placed the needle on the table next to the bed. I laid down next to him again and felt his arms tighten around me "{y/n}" he whimpered "I'm
here John, I'm always here".

I woke up in a cold sweat as I saw Johnny wasn't next to me 4:33, I sighed, got up and walked into the the living room to find Jonny sitting on the couch in the same condition I was, "Jonny, what's wrong?" I walked over to him and sat down. "You're upset with me" he whispered and he fell back into the couch and shut his eyes "Why would I be upset with you? I have no reason to be" I place my head on his shoulder and he didn't put his arm around me 'he must be really convinced'.

"Yes you do, I dream about these terrible things and you shouldn't have to deal with me, I think you should go for your own sake" I faced him towards me "I will never leave you. Never. Jonny you're all I have in this world and I would not leave you for any reason, even if the circumstance is waking up at three in the morning and having to hold you down and shove a needle into you, and do you know why I stay here?" He shook his head and looked down. "Because I love you" he looked up quickly with wide eyes "What?" I hit his shoulder, stood up and walked around the couch so I was standing behind him before leaning down to his ears with my arms draping over his shoulders "I said, because I love you" he stood quickly and rushed over to me.

"Jonny, I'm-" "Shhh" I took a step back "Jonny" I warned as he took a step closer to me, I gasped as he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck and I felt a tear on my shoulder "Hey" he looked up at me and placed his forehead against mine "I love you too" he rubbed our noses together and he kissed me softly. "I'm happy you're here" "I'm always here to save you from your nightmares" we hugged for quite a while and Jonny told me to go back to bed.

He didn't scream for the rest of the night......well, not in terror.

A/N {I hope you like it! I feel very accomplished with this one, told myself I could do better and I did. Anyways I will update very soon by adding Oswald, Jim, Victor, and maybe Bruce and Alfred?} thanks for reading!

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