Theo Galavan #1

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                             when jokerzdaughter7577 requested this I might've been slightly surprised. I didn't think anybody liked Galavan. But then I went back and watched the first few episodes he was in and now I'm just like "I have no idea how I didn't realize how attractive he is". soo here I am publishing it, I hope you like it! To be fair, some sexual mentions are here but technically no smut...yet.

"You have beauty, maybe too much of it"

I blushed as the memory stuck itself into the cortex of my mind, accidentally letting the name roll off of my lips in a whisper. "Theo" I shut my eyes softly "Yes?" My eyes snapped open as Theo sat down next to me on the couch. "Do you think I'll be a good maniac?" I covered up what bad thoughts my mind conjured up, he chuckled "I already think you're a fantastic maniac {y/n}, and I share that knowledge with my deepest compliments" I blushed again and he definitely noticed "Did I make you blush {y/n}?" I shook my head quickly and furrowed my eyebrows "Maybe". Forgetting he was there, I placed my legs across the couch and I felt them go on top of his, "I'm-" he cut me off by quickly grabbing my ankle, pulling me into his lap. I went silent as he wrapped an arm around my waist and he placed his hand on my cheek, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Perhaps you're too beautiful for this 'maniac' crazy business" he rubbed his thumb on my cheek, tracing my lips with it "Too beautiful to work with crazy men, perhaps you could be my little kitten" I blushed extremely and my eyes almost popped out of my head "What is that supposed to mean?" He smirked before slowly leaning in.

I quickly broke from his grasp and walked to the window, showing a view of the dark Gotham city skyline. "Kitten" I heard him murmur from the couch, I turned and he was slowly walking over to me before stopping, putting his arms around my waist again as he pulled me closer. "Don't you deserve a man who you believe won't kill you?" "I don't think you're that man Theo" he placed his hand on my face again "I love how you say the name" he whispered huskily, turning me on slightly.

"Theo" I whispered, taunting him. I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing our foreheads together. I kissed right next to his mouth, brushing our lips together and I heard him growl. "My god, you're so sexy {y/n}" he purred, squeezing me closer to him, if that were even possible, I scoffed "No I'm not". I kissed him softly, I felt like bombs were going off in my chest and my brain stopped working as we kissed passionately. I felt his hands squeeze my sides and he pulled away for a moment, taking a quick breath before kissing my again. "Jump" I wrapped my legs around his waist and he sat on the couch with me still on top of him "Oh my god, I want you so bad" "Then take me".

I woke up the next day with arms around me and a comfortable mattress under my back, I turned my body around and kissed his nose. "Theo" he wouldn't budge "Theo" I said sharply before climbing on top of him and kissing him until he finally woke up, immediately kissing me again, flipping us over so he was on top of me, I rubbed his bare chest and he smiled into our kiss. "Good morning, kitten" "Good morning, master" I joked looking back on last nights events and he smirked. "Last night was uhm- I mean I hardly remember it, all of it was just a pleasurable blur" I said quietly with a smile of my face. "I remember it quite well, perhaps next time I'll try harder" I blushed at the thought. "My favorite part about last night was you" "Me? What about me?" He grinned devilishly before explaining.

"Well the normal thing, the way you looked naked, bouncing on top of me" my eyes went to the size of plates. "The way you spoke Y'know the 'oh Theo, yes yes, master harder'" he moaned, mimicking me and I slapped his chest and he smiled wider, but that didn't stop him. He pulled me closer, placing his chin on the top of my head and getting close to my ear. "'Yes baby, yes, faster, please baby faster'" I hit his chest again and he moaned, it was my turn to make fun of him.

"'Oh kitten, your mouth feels so good, ugh'" he looked shocked and shut me up by kissing me. "Shush kitten" I laughed at him quietly "Why? They already heard us last night" he chuckled and kissed me again.

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