Jerome Valeska #6 {Smut}

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Yay. I'm already laughing, anyways, on with the smut for y'all.

An officer ran his hand up and down my side as I tried to get rid of him. I saw Jerome looking over with a smirk because he knew I was trying to escape. I turned my head and smiled at the officer, kissing his cheek and his grip tightened on my side "You wanna get out of here?" I shook my head "Sorry, I'm trying to make someone jealous, but you can go for that blonde over there" he nodded before walking away. Jerome soon approached and wrapped his arm around my waist "C'mon princess, you're in big trouble" he growled in my ear. We got in the cab and he kept me close to him, whispering in my ear so the driver couldn't hear us. "I want your pretty mouth on my dick as soon as we get in the house, a bad girl like you needs a lesson" I chuckled at him "I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for days princess".

He pushed me into the apartment and into our bedroom, locking the door before he pulled my hair back and kissed me roughly. He grabbed something from the drawer next to our bed and handed it to me, go I the bathroom and put those on. They were lacy black panties, maybe the design was special? I put them on and came out in a robe with only the panties underneath. He sat on the bed with a remote in his hand, I laid down on the pillows and he watched me before pressing a button on the remote. A small vibrating sensation took over me, cheeky bastard gave me vibrating underwear "Jerome" I moaned he shushed me, undressing himself and taking my robe off. He began to stroke himself "If you moan, I will turn the setting up one notch, I'm gonna turn on medium while you suck daddy's dick okay princess?" I nodded and laid down in front of him "Ass up while you suck" I obliged and took him in my mouth as he turned up the setting.

I held back my moan and he moaned loudly "Fuck" he pushed me down onto him and I sucked quickly until he came and I swallowed. I moaned as the vibration became more intense "Bad princess" he forced me over his knee on the side of the bed "10 spankings. Count and don't fucking moan" I counted off as he kept spanking me, I tried not to moan but it was hard when he started to lick my breasts. I accidentally let out a moan and got scared. He smirked at me and I ran a hand through his bright ginger hair, he took off the underwear and began to thrust into me without warning hard and fast. I screamed and he laughed "Yes princess, do you like it when I fuck you like this" "Oh god yes daddy! Yes!" He pulled out and came in his hand.

"Lick my hand while I finish you off" he began to like my cunt furiously and I sucked all of the cum off of his hand, moaning in the extreme process. "Don't make me jealous again" he said as I came hard. He pulled me close to him and we laid in the bed "If I get that, I will make you jealous" he laughed before passionately and softly kissing me for the first time that night. "I love you {y/n}" "I love you too Jerome".

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