Edward Nygma #1

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"What has hands but can't clap?" I gritted my teeth at Dordie "A clock" he chuckled "You got me, clever girls make me rough" he whispered in my ear and held me close to him. I pushed him and he ran into a desk, "Oh, someone's a fighter, I like a challenge" the officers laughed. Yes I was Edward Nygma's girlfriend and yes... They didn't know that, but they will now. Dordie held me close to him again and pushed me onto a desk, "Get off" I argued as I hit his chest and thrashed around "Why, scared?" He challenged "No, but you'll be scared" he raised his eyebrows "Really?".

"Officer Dordie, let her go" Ed I yelled and I looked into Dordie's eyes "Really" he chuckled "Why, Riddle Man? you sleeping with this one?". I made a disgusted face but laughed, my boyfriend was not to be messed with "No" Ed cringed at the thought "She's my fiancé, we're doing a lot more than
sleeping together" Dordie's eyes
widened and he released me instantly "Didn't know you had it in ya Riddle Man" he patted Ed's back as he passed him. Ed put his arms around me "Fiancé?" I
smiled and he blushed "If you want me to, I can live up to that" I hid my face in his chest "You might have to".

A/N {This one is bad, I'll do better I swear!}

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