Bruce Wayne #8

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Hey guys! Happy New Year! 2016, a year that I hope won't suck! Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this because I feel like my writing skills are not at their best at the moment. :D

I looked up at Bruce, my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. "So, 2 minutes until midnight" he said slowly "Yep" "{y/n} there's something I need to tell you" I sat up, confused "What is it?" "Well I-I uhm.." "Bruce, spit it out" I interrupted him "I love you".

My eyes widened and he started to panic "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to tell you, I knew it was too fast, I'm-" I looked at the clock to notice it said 12 a.m and cut Bruce off with a kiss. "I love you too," I pecked his lips again "Don't say you're sorry, because I love you Brucie, I love you". He pulled me into a hug, spinning around so my body was on top of his "I'm happy you feel the same" he whispered with a smile and before I knew it, Alfred entered "Happy New Year you two" he shook his head as he saw the position we were in and chuckled before leaving the room "Goodnight, I suppose" I felt my cheeks heat up and I hid my face in Bruce's chest. I looked up at he kissed me again, "Now let's get to sleep, I don't know about you but I'm so tired".

He dragged me off of the couch and headed to his room. We both laid down and soon fell asleep, this was going to be a year of change for us.

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