Jonathan Crane #2

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"No, Jonathan, no!" Mr.Crane yelled as I felt the needles being removed from my body "Get away!" I heard a crash and my eyes cracked open to see Mr.Crane on the floor with needles in him and a table flipped over. He was screaming, he was afraid, and he should be after what he's just done. I stood up slowly and Jonny hugged me "He can't hurt us anymore" I looked up "He can't?" Jonny shook his head and I started crying quietly as he squeezed my frail body. "Come on, let's go" he whispered as he helped me walk out, I drank some water and felt strength fill my body "I'm fine" I whispered as he rubbed my back "No, you're not, I've been doing this for longer than you have and I know you're not okay".

I nodded before walking back into the lab slowly and leaning down to the groaning Mr.Crane "What were you thinking? Did you really think you could get away with this?" He shook his head "I want the best for both of you" he whispered as I removed the needles from his skin, a groan escaping his lips every time I took one out. "That is not what is best for us, that is doing experiments on teenagers!" I yelled at him as I stood and from the table and grabbed a knife from the table covered with syringe. I held it to his neck "Jonathan loves you but if you want the best for us, you will leave us alone, do you understand me?" He nodded and I punched him in the face, watching him as blood fell from his nose and onto the floor next to him.

I dropped the knife and sat there for five minutes. Watching the small amount of blood fall from his nose and onto the floor surrounding him. Jonny walked in and sat next to me "I can't believe you beat him up" I shook my head "I didn't have a choice, Jonny" he held me close to him "I know you didn't, but I'm proud of you for not crying in the process" I cracked a small smile before standing and taking Jonny out of the room, leaving his monster of a father passed out on the floor as we ran away from the house in the woods.

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