Jerome Valeska #8

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#8 - Fools

"Only fools fall for you.
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall"

"Don't be afraid" the husky voice whispers in my ear, blocking the wind from making me freeze. His arms tighten around my middle and he smells my hair. I shudder at the action, he notices. "I'm not gonna hurt ya, you're too pretty" he whispers, turning me around so he could look at me, his arms not leaving their position. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see what happened to him. "Come on, doll" he says, taking my hands and putting them on his face to feel the roughness on the sides. I opened my eyes hesitantly and see him with his eyes closed, I rub my fingers over the sides, examining the staples. I'm sure that they'll sink into his skin in a few months, so you probably won't notice it too much. I sigh and press my forehead against his gently, the tiniest bit scared of him. He pulled my body into his and opened his eyes to look at me. "I've missed you" is all I say to him before I bring him into one of my bone crushing hugs. "{y/n}" he hides his face in my shoulder "I will tear this city apart for chaos" he says without explanation, but I just hold him tighter. Yes, he was dead a few hours ago, but I knew that he could never- would never- hurt me. I remember him saying that if he had the choice between killing me or himself, he'd kill me and himself so we didn't have to be apart.

Of course, that was before Galavan had betrayed him and died...twice. "I'll be with you every step of the way" I say and pull back, his face in my hands again. I look around at the carnival lights surrounding us. "You have a plan?" I ask him and he smiles "Oh, I always have a plan, doll" I lean foreword and gently push our lips together. "Be honest with me" he says, breaking away for a second, I nod quickly. "Does it look alright?" He gestures to his face and I groan "Yeah, why do you think I wanna kiss you" I whine and he giggles, bringing me into a long one. "I love you...did I tell you that?" He asks, I simply kiss him again, pushing him so he's on his knees in front of me. "Oh, so you do think of yourself as the queen" he jokes, his voice had barely changed, it was simply rougher. I shush him and push him onto his back in the grass, he sits up and runs a hand through his hair "I saw you..while I was dead I mean. I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry" he apologizes between kisses and mutters like curses occasionally.

I smile until I feel like I'll break my face. "Jerome Valeska, the clown" I whisper to him and he laughs "I remind you of a clown?". I kiss his forehead "Just the laugh, honey" he wraps his arm around me as I lay in the grass next to him. "We've got maybe 15 minutes before we have to start our actions, do you maybe wanna...?" He trails off, assuming I know what he meant. "We're gonna need more than 15 minutes to start and finish what we haven't had in so long" I joke cheekily and he holds me tighter. "Alright, alright, I guess it can wait until Bruce is in the maze I've set up to keep him busy".


"Honey, just a little quickie?"

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