Oswald Cobblepot #6

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I look down at the posters on the table before scanning the dark room, Oswald had went to bed about an hour ago and I didn't want to go to bed yet. So I came downstairs to look at what may be the future of my boyfriend. I run my hand over to paper softly, letting out a sigh before leaning on the table as I stared it down. Yeah, he'd definitely have my vote if I were a stranger. I rubbed my forehead, hoping that this wasn't real and we could just leave Gotham, I had wanted to for such a long time. I told him about it, how I wanted to leave and have a little girl, forget about the horrible place this is and only visit to see his mothers grave. "{y/n}?" I look behind me to see Oswald rubbing his eyes whilst tying his robe with his other hand "What's wrong darling?" He asked, I continued to look down at the poster "Is this what waits for us?" I place my finger next to his name "Oswald Cobblepot for mayor, believe me I am proud of you, really, but what about leaving Gotham someday? We can't if you have a duty to take care of the citizens of Gotham..." I trailed off, feeling a tear fall down my face.

"My dear, what do you-" he stopped, seeing as I was starting to cry "Oh no, no no no" he murmured, walking over to me and bringing me into his arms, holding my face in his hands "Darling, we will leave Gotham eventually, just not now, this place needs to be protected and until I can find someone who will take care of it other than myself I can't just leave" he kissed my forehead. I lightly broke out of his grasp, giving him a glare and walking upstairs after grabbing my suitcase "I don't need you Oswald, I'll just go without you, I will!" I yell at him "Since you have to protect this great damn city," I throw stuff into the case and begin to close it, he walks over to me and tries to grab my hands but I stop him "No!" His eyes look like they're about to water so I close the suit case and put on my shoes, rushing out the door "{y/n}! Stop!" He cried desperately as he chased after me to the car "What is going on?" He asked me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I don't wanna be here anymore Oswald! It hurts too much! I understand why you're doing this..and that's fine, but...I can't" The driver gets into the car "I'm going to see my sister, I'll be gone for maybe a month after you have all of this figured out" I said quietly "I need to think" he nods at me "I-i love you" he says I let my eyes soften, calming down for a moment before climbing into the car and telling him to go to the train station.

One month later

I step off of the train, the most blowing in my face as I look around, tightening my scarf a little. I walk slowly to out of the station, pulling out my phone and calling the driver to pick me up. "Hello miss, who was the trip?" He asked me, opening the door. "It was alright, Chicago is just beautiful isn't it?" He smiles and gives me a nod. "I want to give you a warning, Mr.Cobblepot has not been the best since you've left, he's been elected mayor" I give a little smile "I've missed him" he smiled through the mirror and I get out of the car, grabbing my suitcase and walking to the door. I ring the doorbell nervously, the door swings open and Barbara is the one who opened it. She gives me a smile, an actual smile "Oswald!" She yells and he walks over to the door, eyes widening upon seeing me. He hobbles over quickly and brings me into a bone crushing hug "Darling" he whispered, obviously not wanting to let go "Well isn't that sweet, I should get going, it was nice to see you" I smile at her as she walks past us and closes the door.

"I missed you" he said, pulling away and taking my hand "Come with me" he dragged me up the stairs and into our bedroom. He let go of my hand hesitantly and went over to a box on the dresser. "I got you something" I furrow my eyebrows and he walks over, hands behind his back. He pulled out a tiny box and my eyes widened "I promise you we will leave G-Gotham someday" he starts nervously and grabs my hand, getting on his knees. "But I want to leave w-with" he stops, opening the box and handing it to me. "With you as my wife" he finished "I would try to describe how much you mean to me but there are no words for how much I love you {y/n}" I pull him up and kiss him for longer than I ever "Yes" I whisper and he brings me into a hug, spinning me around. "I'm sorry Oswald" I say as he puts me down "It's alright, darling, you just got scared". I hugged him with a little smile "I love you Oswald" "I love you too" he whispered.

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