Chapter 14

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Killian was alone in his room, playing his guitar - something he did not do quite often - and was suprised to hear a knock on the door. Only his brother was in the house.

"Come in!" he said and the door opened to Emma. "Hey!"

"Hi! Am I... interrupting something?" she asked, pointing the guitar.

"Not at all. What are you doing here?" he asked and she walked over to his bed to sit on it, next to him.

"Well... I was bored, there's no one in the house and, yeah." she said and laughed a little at the end. "You never told me you played guitar!"

"I don't play a lot." he replied.

"But I want to hear you play." she added and smiled.

"... Why not?" he answered and shrugged.

He started strumming the guitar and at some point, singing, which surprised Emma. He had a really, really.... REALLY, nice voice. She just loved it! When he finished, she didn't know what to say except : "Wow!" and Killian laughed nervously. "You're amazing! You should play more often!"

"Thank you." he simply replied. "Do you want me to show you how to play?" Emma nodded and he passed the guitat to her and explained how to place her fingers. Guitar is not quite easy, but Emma wasn't bad either. And when Killian place his hand on hers to help her place her fingers on the right frets, they could not help but feel something, something special.

* * *

The next day, Emma had a sports class, which she didn't like because she did not know anyone in that class. She was alone and the last chosen for teams.

So, she was relieved when the class was over and they could go change. Somehow, in the locker room, it was quieter than usual. All of those 'popular girls' were not saying a word. Emma just changed quickly and left the room before everyone else. As she left, she heard people talking. She just walked, head low, to her locker.

Emma opened her bag to take her bracelets and put them on, when she realised there was a bracelet she had never seen in it. She putted it on the top shelf of the locker, took her school bag and her books before leaving.

Then, during math class, she noticed that Michelle, one of the girls from her gym class, was not there. Strange, she thought, but it's not like she cared about that girl, compared to the others in this school.

The class started and everything went on fine until Emma was called to the principal's office. She gathered her stuff and got out of the class, walked to the principal's office. She could not see why she would've been called there. Maybe something happened to Rose or Oliver? she thought.

She arrived at the office and saw Michelle sitting in a chair in front of Mr Turner. Emma was more and more confused. She sat in the other chair.

"Michelle told me that you stole a bracelet from her. One that is worth a lot and has a lot of value to her. Do you know anything about this?" the principal asked.

"No! No, I didn't, why would I-" and then she remembered the beautiful bracelet she found in her bag and that was in her locker right now. She gave a glare at Michelle. "I didn't steal it."

"I am sure she did." Michelle replied.

"Emma, could we check your bag and locker to make sure you didn't do it?" Mr Turner asked. Emma took a deep breath. C'mon, this happened in 5th grade and you got out of it! But it was 5th grade...

"It is in my locker now, but I did not steal it. She tricked me, or someone else did. I just found it in my bag after gym class, had no idea who it belonged to, so I let it in my locker and thought I'd figure out who's it is after my other class." Emma spoke truthfully.

"Yeah, right."

After that, she was asked to go get it and return it to Michelle. Since any of the two versions of the story could be confirmed and that it was always easier to blame the new girl, Me Turner said he would have to call Emma's parents.

"Foster parents." she corrected. "I don't  have parents."

*  *  *

The period after, it's like everyone knew about what happened and they all saw her as a theif. Anna and Belle had something to do for their art class that day, at lunch time, so Emma took her lunch at a table, alone, until Killian showed up.

"What happened?" he asked as he sat down in front of her.

"I'm not sure you want to be seen with me." she replied.

"I don't care about the others. What happened?" he repeated.

"A stupid girl putted her bracelet in my bag after gym class and made it seem like I stole it, Mr Turner had to call Rose and Oliver." she explained.

"Who did this?" Killian asked.

"Michelle. But it doesn't matter, I'm going to be the one blamed for this, so-" she said as she was getting up, simply to go throw out something in the garbage, but she stopped when she bumbed into someone and his soup was now all over Emma's shirt.


I feel like that chapter had like 'movie clichés' but I still hope you liked it :p
Tell me what you think xx

• believe__inmagic •

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