Chapter 56

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Daughter - Sleeping At Last
And yeah, sorry, I'm being like every other fanfic for the baby name but it's just like... It had to be this :')


She was crying. Again. Emma groaned and then turned as she pushed the covers, but before she could get up, Killian spoke up.

"I can go." he said.

"It's my turn." she replied and got up. She glared at Killian that simply turned on his side and tried to get some sleep.

Emma got to her daughter's room and grabbed her little girl from the crib. Even if she was tired, so tired, she smiled as she saw her.

"Hey, baby girl. It's okay." she whispered. "Shh..."

She walked over to the rocking chair and stayed there for a little while, as her little Leia calmed down and closed her eyes. Her small fingers were wrapped around Emma's thumb. After a few minutes, Emma got up and slowly put her daughter back in the crib.

"Sweet dreams, Leia." she said, just before leaving. Just as she passed the doorframe, she started crying again. Emma sighed and got back to the crib. She almost stopped to cry instantly as Emma took her in her arms. She sighed once more, but smiled at the same time. She gave a kiss on her daughter's head before she left the room and got back to her own. She put her daughter in the middle of the bed and lied just beside her, just as Killian - that Emma thought was sleeping - turned around. He simply gave her a smile and kissed Leia on the forehead as well before lying down again and closing his eyes. Emma lied on her back and turned her head to her little girl before closing her eyes as well.

She woke up as she felt something on her face. She laughed when she opened her eyes and saw Leia putting her hands on her mother's face, like she was trying to grab her nose.

"You can't leave with that sweetie, it's mine." Emma said and her daughter started making noises, cute little baby noises and smiled. "How can you be so cute?" she asked and then sat before taking her in her arms. "Should we wake up daddy? Should we? Yes, it's gonna be fun!" she continued.

Emma put Leia on Killian and she tried to do the same thing as with her. Emma laughed and Killian slowly opened his eyes.

"Hi princess." he said and laughed just like Emma did. Emma bent to kiss Killian on the cheek. "And good morning." he told Emma with a grin. He took his daughter in is arms and kissed her cheek. "You're so beautiful, princess." he said.

Emma loved how he called her princess. He seemed so happy around her, always, it made her so happy as well. It was amazing how this little human being, even if she was the reason they both were very tired at that time, she was also a source of constant happiness.

"I'll go take a shower, okay?" Emma told him.


Emma got up and grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe before locking herself in the bathroom.

Not so long after, Killian got up and changed Leia in her small onzie that they got at the baby shower from Regina. It had an apple on it and he always had found it a little funny, since Emma "wasn't a big fan of apples" like she told him in the first days they were together, years ago.

The baby shower had been a really great and funny day. Henry had came up with ugly baby names to tease his mother and Emma's parents and foster parents had made such a beautiful speech. Killian had also spent the day taking care of Emma and telling not to exhaust herself and she loved him for taking care of her so much, like that.

Finally, Killian took Leia and went downstairs, put her in her chair and started preparing her milk and Emma and his breakfast. Emma joined them.

And then, years passed. Leia said her first word, took her first steps, went to kindgarden, went to elementry school, high school... Time passed and she grew so fast, too fast for Emma and Killian.

One day, not so long after Leia had turned 16, they took a trip to go see Killian's parents and Emma's foster parents, still living next to each other, in the same houses. As Killian was spending time with his parents, Emma brought Leia in Rose and Oliver's home and they got to her old room. They both sat next to the window and Emma looked up at Killian's.

"The first time I saw your father was through this window." she said. "So much happened here, in this room, but there's one thing he told he, right here, where we are sitting that I will never forget. I always had this sentence stuck in my head, even if I had left him and this town. I was just 16, like you."

"What did he tell you?" Leia asked her.

Emma looked up at the stars and smiled. "Look up to the stars, Swan. Your parents are looking at the same bright lights as you. They are out there, waiting for you." she said.

Leia looked at her mother with a smile on her face. She looked around the room and tried to imagine her parents at her age, sitting where they were right now. She then looked through the window and saw her father opening the curtain.

"Mom." Leia said and pointed Killian.

Her eyes moved to the window of the neighbours. A boy that looked her age, with beautiful blue eyes that made her melt from the second se met them, was looking at her. He gave her a smile and she smiled back. At this time, Emma had no idea that this stranger next door was going to change her whole life.

Emma knew it now. Killian had changed her life.

Look Up to the Stars (Captain Swan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant