Chapter 21

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Emma entered her appartment and leaned on the wall. With a sigh, she took off her heels and walked over the kitchen counter where she dropped the bag she was holding in her hands.

She opened the bag, took the white box and the candles, then opened the box that contained one cupcake. She took one of the candles, a blue star was on top of it and put it one the cupcake. She lit it with a match and leaned on the counter, looking at the smal flame balancing on top of the small star.

"Another banner year." she declared to herself and closed her eyes, wishing she would not be alone before she blew the candle.

The doorbell rang and she opened her eyes, surprised. She walked over to the door and opened it. Emma didn't see anyone at first, until she looked down and saw a little kid.

"Uh... Can I help you?" she asked.

"Are you Emma Swan?" the young boy said.

"Yeah. Who are you?" she replied.

"My name's Henry. I'm your son." he declared.


He decided to enter the appartment.

"Woah. Hey, kid. Kid. Kid! I don't have a son." she told him even if she was well aware it was a lie. "Where are your parents?"

"Ten years ago, did you give up a baby for adoption?" Henry asked. She looked at him without saying a word. Wasn't that the whole point of a closed adoption, she never should've seen him again. "That was me."

"Give me a minute." she said after hesitating and rushed to the bathroom, closed the door and started panting.


"Hey, you have any juice?" she heard over the door. "Never mind, found some." he said.

She took a few moments and got out. She saw Henry drinking directly from the bottle.

"You know, we should probable get going." he declared and she didn't understand.

"Going where?" she asked and crossed her arms.

"I want you to come home with me." he said.

"Okay, kid, I'm calling the cops." she spoke.

"Then I'll tell them you kidnapped me." he said as she grabbed the phone and clicked, with made them hear the dial tone.

"And they'll believe you because I'm your birht mother." Emma finished, cliking on the button once more.

"Yep." Henry said.

"You're not gonna do that." she said.

"Try me." he responded.

"You're pretty good but here's the thing. There's not a lot I'm great at in life, but I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying, and you, kid, are." she told him. She clicked again and started to diall the number.

"Wait. Please don't call the cops." he begged. "Please. Come home with me."

"Where's home?" she asked.

"Storybrooke, Maine." he said. Emma held her breath, for just a few seconds, surprised to hear that name. How could her kid end up living where she was born?

"All righty, then." she said, trying to hide her surprise. "Let's get you back to Storybrooke."

* * *

They were both in Emma's car, a yellow bug, both silent until Henry decided to speak up.

"I'm hungry. Do you want to stop somewhere?"

"This is not a roadtrip, we're not stopping for snacks." she declared.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Quit complaining, kid. Remember I could've put your butt on a bus, I still could." Emma replied.

"You know I have a name. It's Henry." he declared and she sighted. "So, you know Storybrooke? I mean, it's such a small town, people don't know about it normally."

"I- huh... went there when I was a kid." Emma lied, well, half-lied.

*  *  *

"Okay, kid, how about an adress?" Emma asked after they had came into Storybrooke.

"44 I'm-not-telling-you-street." he replied.

Emma suddently hit the brakes. She got out of her car, stepping in puddle and sighted. The small town looked depressed and mysterious. It was raining, it looked sad. The only color around seemed like the yellow bug or Emma's red jacket. Henry got out of the car as well.

"Look, it's been a long night, and it's almost... 8:15?" she asked.

"That clock hasn't moved my whole life." Henry explained.

"Okay. Well, why don't you give an adress, kid?"

"I-" he started.

"Henry?" a man asked. The accent, irish, Emma recognized it. She looked up to see him, in the same kind of leather jacket, all grown up.

Who was it?

Well, of course, Killian Jones.


So, I am sorry, this chapter is a lot like 1x01 but I promise what's coming next will be different :)

Now, just a reminder, this is an AU, there is no magic in this story, characters are not fairy tales characters. Which means that some like Mary Margaret, David or Regina should look older (but I seriously just can't imagine them differently)

So, what do you think? :)

• believe__inmagic •

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