Chapter 22

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So my son and now Killian? How?

"Huh, is everything okay?" Henry asked, seeing there was just something going on.

"Y-yes. Hum, do you know where he lives?" Emma asked Killian, trying to make it as normal as she could. She could not deal with her son and Killian at once.

"He... Mifflin Street, Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block." he declared.

"Mayor? You're the mayor's kid?" Emma said, turning to Henry.

"Maybe..." he said, shyly.

"Let's just... take you back home." the blonde said and glared one last time at Killian before she got in the car.

* * *

Killian was intriged, he wanted to know how Emma got in town with Henry. So, he got in his car and drove to the mayor's house, parked his car across the street. He stepped out and heard the one thing he never would've thought about.

"I found my real mom!" Henry had yelled before he ran in the house.

Killian had known Henry for a long time. He really liked the boy. They'd meet often at Granny's. He never could have imagined that all this time, he was talking to Emma's son. Her "high school crush", the girl that broke her heart and never really forgot. The one person, that ten years later, he was still wondering about.

Henry, her son.

He watched them get inside, Emma talking to Mayor Mills and kept thinking about how it could be possible. Was it fate or something like that? He never really believed in that kind of stuff. Just a pure coincidence?

He walked over to the yellow bug, stopped right in front of the house and leaned on the car, waiting for her to come out. He needed to talk to her.

And so, she did come out and seemed surprised. She would've walked away, but he was leaning on her car.

"I, seriously, thought I'd never see you again." he declared.

"You're not the only one." she replied.

"So, Henry..." he started.

"Look. We're not 16 or 17 anymore. Things have changed. I am still alone, I'm still friendless, but things have changed. I am not the same Emma, you're probably not the same Killian. We're adults. And I'm leaving, not coming back." she spoke and walked to the door. He took a few steps, away from the vehicule.

"Leaving your son?" he then asked.

She stopped for a moment.

"You heard?" she asked in return.

"I did." Killian said.

"It was a closed adoption." she finished, got in the car and drove away. It was still raining, it was late, but she was determined to get back to Boston and prentend like all of this never happened. Except, she noticed a book on the passenger seat.

"Sneaky bastard..." she said before lifting up her head and seeing a wolf in the middle if the street. She tried to avoied it but her car crashed in the "Leaving Storybrooke" sign.

* * *

"Can you go check if she's awake, I'll be back in a minute." Graham asked Killian as he entered the station for his shift or work.

"Her?" Killian asked, confused.

"Miss Swan." he said. "Gotta go."

Killian could not think of a reason why Emma would be there, but he saw her waking up on one of the cell's bed. She groaned and said something inaudible, but did not notice him.

"So, we meet again." Killian declared and she suddently turned her head.

"You work here?" she asked.

"I do."

"Then, you can tell me why I'm there." Emma declared.

"Actually, you'd have to ask the Sheriff because I do not know at all what happened." he answered.

She sighted and leaned against the bars, closed her eyes.

"Any idea of what happened last night?" Killian asked as he sat on the couch right in front of the cell.

"I was going to leave, I saw a wolf and tried to avoid it but crashed my car into the sign. Last thing I remember." she said.

Silence, that's what came next. She did not look at Killian, she played with the zipper on her jacket, but he was looking at her. She was right, she was not the same Emma. Killian got back to his desk and opened the bag of food he had just gotten from Granny's.

"So, huh... what happened a-" Killian started.

"Ah, so you're awake." they both heard. It was Graham coming in the room.

"Can you tell me why I'm here?" Emma asked.

"Regina's drinks, a little stronger than we thought." he declared as he approached the cell.

"I didn- there was a wolf!" she replied.

"A wolf, right." he said, sarcasticly.

"Graham!" another voice was heard. Killain sighted, knowing it was the mayor. He knew about her relationship with the Sheriff and that's what annoyed.

"Graham, Henry ran away again. What is she doing here?" Regina asked.

"Ran into the sign." he quickly explained. "He ran away?"

"He's not at school and-"

"Finding people's what I do. You let me out and I'll find him." Emma proposed.

"Fine." Graham declared.


Just a reminder, no magic so the wolf is just a wolf and the book is sadly just a normal book

Did you like it? :)
For now it's pretty similar to the episodes but I'll make it change :)

And Emma and Killian's relationship will not just be okay right away. I try to make my fanfics as realistic as possible.and they both changed, they're adults, so yeah :p

Coment xx


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