Chapter 53

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For my cosmis twin ElodieBLT Boomp.


Emma unlocked the door. She was coming back to her mother's loft with Henry after they went to the supermarket to buy some food for the small party they were having that night. Well, a party. They were just having dinner all together, with Killain and Regina as well.

"Hey, guess what? Tacos shells were on sale" Henry started and Emma notices her parents.

Oh my..

"What are you... still doing in bed it's the middle of the afternoon?" Henry asked confused.

Oh god...

She walked over slowly next to Henry, wondering what her parents would reply.

"I... needed to rest." Mary Margaret started.

"And I needed to help her rest." David added.

Emma looked at her parents with her mouth opened for a little while and then spoke up.

"Uh... let's go make the tacos." she told Henry. "We have to... make a lot, because of the party tonight." she said and Henry left to go put the bags on the counter. Mary Margaret was laughing under the cover as Emma came to talk to them.

"We thought you were gonna be back later." her mother whispered.

"Yeah. Well we weren't. So maybe next time you can put a tie on the door or send a text! Or-" Emma said and she stopped as she saw her mother laughing again. "You know what I-I-I'm gonna go make some tacos." she said and left to join Henry.

She shook her head like if it was going to erase the memory. She heard her parents laugh behind her.

*  *  *

"So, is everything alright?" Emma asked Killian. She knew he was coming back from a follow up apointment on his injuries.

"Everything's fine, Swan." he replied with a grin and quickly kissed her. "It's all over, you can stop worrying."

"I know." she said as she sighed, but smiled. "I'm going to see Henry." she said and then walked over to Henry, Regina and David that were in the living room. Killian grabbed his glass and got to the kitchen where Mary Margaret was. He took the jug of water and filled his glass.

"She looks tired." Mary Margaret said from beside him.

"I know." Killian said and sighed. "She is. Ever since I got shot." he replied.

"She still feels like it's her fault, right?" she said, recalling the phone conversation she had with her daughter while she was waiting in the hospital.

"Yes. It brought back the memories of what happened with Oliver or this whole story with Jefferson." he told her mother. "She always wakes up at night but won't talk about it."

"She needs time." Mary Margaret declared. "Like she needed time to get her walls down."

"I just hate to see her like this." Killian confessed. Mary Margaret gave him a weak smile. She was a little happy because she just saw how much he cared about her daughter and it made her feel good. Emma deserved him and he deserved her.

They both went back to the living room and Killian sat next to her girlfriend that grabbed her hand as soon as he sat down. Time passed and everybody talked but Emma was more and more quiet. Her head rested on Killian's shoulder and eventually she stopped talking and was fighting to keep her eyes open. Mary Margaret shot a glare at Killian and he turned to Emma.

"Come on, love. Let's go upstairs." he said and she didn't reply anything, she simply followed, keeping her hand in his.

In her bedroom, he waited for her to change and when she came back, she directly sat on the bed. Killian was about to join her.

"You should go downstairs with the others. You don't have to stay here for me." she told him.

"I don't-" he started.

"Go. I'll just sleep." she replied. Emma actually wanted to stay alone because she did not want to wake him up like most of the past nights.

"Okay." he simply answered and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, love."

She smiled and slipped under the covers. She closed her eyes and waited to hear the sound of the door closing and Killian leaving.

*  *  *

Later the same night, after everyone had left and Killian had stayed a little while talking to Mary Margaret and David, he got upstairs and slowly opened the door. He thought he would find his girlfriend peacefully sleeping, but she was just staring at him, catching her breath, crying and shaking when he first laid eyes on her. He obvioulsy got to the bed and took her in his arms to calm her down. She let him, she felt better in the warmth of his embrace. She shut her eyes and focused on her breath until it got back to normal. He kept on making shushing noises and stroke her hair slowly.

It hurts to see her like this.


Hiiii agaiiin! Sorry this update came a little later but I was in exam session :$

Soooo, this fic is coming to its end because I don't have much ideas and it does have 53 chapters.

I don't know about a sequel... I'm not good in sequels xd I had this idea of "What If?" that would be what happend if Emma had stayed with Rose and Oliver and the shooting never happened, but I don't know.

If you guys have ideas or things you'd like to see before this fic ends, feel free to comment :)

Also, make sure to check out Troubled Water! I've got a ton of ideas for this fic, you'll love it! :3

• believe__inmagic •

Look Up to the Stars (Captain Swan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant