Chapter 37

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"I don't understand, what are you doing here?" he asked as they got up.

"What am I doing here?" she asked back.


"I... You're Gold's son?"

"Gold..? You know-" he stuttered.

"Your father, yes." she declared.

"He's here?" Neal asked.

"Why else would I be in New York?" she replied.

"You brought him to me? Why did you do that?" he yelled.

"Hey! I'm the only one that's allowed to be angry here!" she yelled back. "I had no idea you were his son and you... did you even care about me at all!?"

"Emma, do not-"

"I want to know! I want the truth! All of it!"

"Fine!" he said to stop her, "We-we gotta get off the street. We can't do it here, out in the open. I spent a lifetime running from that man. I'm not gonna let him catch me. There's a bar down the street, we can talk there."

"I am not drinking with you." she replied angrily. "Whatever you're gonna tell me, tell me now!"

"No, bar's better. Don't worry. You can... keep yelling at me when we get there."

He walked away and she looked at him, still angry, until she sighed and followed him down the street.

*  *  *

"So, you were just using me?" she asked. "All that time, that's all you were doing. You wanted me to take the fall for the watches."

"No, Emma, I wasn't." he said.

"Then, tell me what it was. Cause I don't see any other explanation." she replied. Silence was all that she was getting. "You left me, you let me go to prison!" she added as her voice broke.


"I loved you!" she declared.

"Emma..." he muttered.

"I just went to jail. That's it. Doesn'g matter now. I'm over it. And you." she sighed as she got up and replaced her scarf.

"Why do you wear the, uh, keychain I got you?" Neal asked.

She grabbed the keychain and pulled it, then put it on the counter.

"To remind myself never to trust someone again." she declared and it had not been easy, because she could not help but think about how things were with Killian and how maybe, he'd turn out just like Neal, because that's what always happened to her. Her walls were slowly growing up a little more. "Come on. I made a deal with your father I'd bring you to him."

"You made a deal with him?" he asked, looking surprised.

"Yeah, and I'm upholding my end."

"No, Emma, you don't have to. You know that."

"I know." she said with a little smirk.

"Okay, so this should be really easy for you, tell him that lost me. Tell him that you can't find me. You do that... You never have to see me again." he declared.

*  *  *

"Henry thinks his father is dead." Emma told Mary Margaret at the phone. "I told him that for a reason, I want to protect him."

"No matter what this man did, Henry has a right to know who his father is. The truth about your parents, Emma, you of all people should important how important it is."

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