Chapter 17

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Emma spent her saturday and sunday thinking and thinking. That kiss, him, he was all over his mind. She also was worried about school, but at least she did not get suspended for the bracelet thing.

Was Killian and her a good thing? Should she really let herself fall in love, knowing thay everything ends up badly for her? What about school?

She was sitting by her window, after dinner and looked over at his window, where there wasn't anybody because he'd only come back in a few hours.

He did make her happy, maybe the night before was the best night she ever had but she could not help but have doubts. Not about him or his feelings, but about how she would hurt him and hurt her in the end.

She then looked up at the stars, thinking about what he told. Mary Margaret and Storybrooke came to her mind, just like the image she had of her dad, even though he probably wasn't like she imagined him. She simply closed her eyes and sighted before deciding to go take a walk.

She grabbed her coat and went down the stairs. After telling Rose she was leaving, she opened the door and was face to face with Lily, who was about to knock on the door. Emma silently went outside and closed the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked and we could all tell she sounded a little mad.

"I-I have nowhere to go... my boyfriend he- ne-never mind. Can I just please stay for tonight...?" Lily muttered. She seemed freezing. Emma didn't really want, but she could not just let her outside at night.

"I need to ask Rose and Oliver." Emma declared and opened the door, letting Lily enter. Her ex-friend looked around.

"It's nice." she declared.

"Yeah, it is." Emma replied. She guided Lily to the living room where they were greeted by confused looks of Emma's foster parents. "Huh, this is Lily, I know her from a... group home and she... she had no where to go for tonight. Could she stay just for the night?"

"Huh.. yeah, sure. But I will take you back to the center tomorrow" Rose replied.

"Yes. Thank you." Lily said and smiled.

"C'mon, we'll go upstairs." said Emma and she walked away, followed by Lily.

The rest of the evening had been alright. They talked a little and Lily apologized a lot of times for what she did. Emma was still angry at her, but decided to put that feeling away for one night.

Around 2 o'clock, all lights were out but Emma woke up as she heard some noise. She saw Lily getting up and grabbing the little back that she had brought with her. Emma got up after Lily left the room, thinking there probably was something wrong. Silently, she followed Lily downstairs and saw her open the back door to some guys.

"Lily!" Emma said, whispering not to wake up anyone. "What are you doing?"

The guy gave her a menacing look and Lily turned towards him.

"No. Don't." she told him and came back to Emma. "I'm sorry." she added.

Sudently the lights turned on and Oliver came in the room. A gunshot was hear and Emma suddently tried to hide, but she noticed the gun in the guys hand, before he ran away with Lily.

Emma was in complete shock. She did not understand, she was afraid and...

she did not see her foster dad.

She came out of her hiding spot and saw Rose running down the stairs, saw blood and her eyes became teary.

All she could think about was :

This is my fault.


I was sooooo unsure about doing that but it's my story so yeah, I do what I want :p
It might not be all clear or well written...

what do you guys think?



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