Chapter 33

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So after surviving 5x10 I have to survive the end of Grey's Anatomy's season 8 that is much worse actually, so I needed fluffy CS.
If any of you watched Grey's Anatomy... please tell me it'll get better!


Two movies and a half later, Regina was about to come and pick up Henry. Killian paused the movie.

"Henry, is Emma sleeping?" he asked and the kid looked at his mom.

"Yeah." he whispered.

"Come on, your mother is here." Killian said in a lowered voice as well as they both got up and Henry grabbed his backpack.

"Thank you for inviting me, and letting me see Emma. My mom won't let me." he said.

"Sure. If you want we could go on the boat tomorrow, I'll tell Emma to come."

"That would be great!" Henry answered with a big smile on his face before he opened the door and got in the alley. He waved at Killian before entering in Regina's car.

Killian closed the door and turned to face Emma that was sleeping on his couch. He smiled and walked over to her, then sat. She opened her eyes a little.

"Come here." he whispered. "I make a good pillow." he joked.

She leaned on Killian's chest without saying a word and closed her eyes again. He started to play with her hair and eventually closed his eyes to fall asleep as well.

Emma woke up when she felt her cellphone vibrating. She opened her eyes and for a second did not remember where she was, until she saw Killian next to her. She quickly sat and answered her phone.

"Emma?" her mother asked when she picked up. "Where are you?"

"At Killian's. Did you really call me to know where I spent the night?" she replied.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"I'm 28." Emma said and saw Killian moving, so she got up and went to the kitchen. "I'm alright. We both fell asleep, that's all."

"That's cute." her mother said.

"Mom..." she sighed.

"Okay, well I'll be at Granny's in 15 if you'd like to come." Mary Margaret said.

"I'm coming." Emma said and hung up.

"Coming where?" Killian asked from behind and she jumped, which made him laugh.

"Granny's. My mom." she said and put her phone in her pocket. "I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up." she added.

"That's alright." he smiled.

"Well, I have to go, so I guess I'll see you soon." she mumbled and left the room.

"Wait." he said and she stopped. "I'm hungry."

"I have to go home and change. I guess I'll see you at Granny's then." she answered and kept walking, got outside and walked to her mother's loft, because her car was still at the diner, since she did not go home.

* * *

"So, you stayed all night..." Mary Margaret said as her daughter sat in front of her.



"We were watching a movie, even Henry was there and I fell asleep and he did too, that's all. I told you I'm not ready anyway." Emma said as she saw him entering the diner. "And he's here so, shh."

"Hi again!" he smiled as he sat next to Emma. "Mary Margaret."

"Hi, Killian." the teacher greeted, looking a little too much excited. Emma gave her a look.

"Oh, I told Henry we could go on the boat today, since we didn't yesterday. I'm sure he'd love that you come." Killian said to her.

"Sure." she smiled.

"Regina's still not letting you see him?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Nop." the blonde answered.

"She'll get around." her mother tried to reassure her.

"Exactly what I said." Killian added.

"But I mean... I guess I understand her. I made a decision, ten years ago, to never get involved in his life and now, what am I doing? I'm in his life. He came for me and I can't leave." Emma admitted. "He's her son, he isn't mine. He stopped being mine the minute I made that decision."

She did not look at anyone, but under the table, away from her mother's look, she was holding Killian's hand.

* * *

"Hey, thanks for doing that. I mean, with Henry." Emma said as she stopped in front of her mother's loft.

"That's nothing. You love spending time with the lad and me too." he said. She smiled.

"Well, see you tomorrow at work." she added.

"Sure, see you tomorrow." he replied and kissed her on the cheek.

"What was that?" she asked as she shook her head.

"Me breaking your walls and getting go you." Killian explained before walking away. She still had that smile on her face when she entered the loft and got up the stairs, but it disapeared when she opened the door and saw her father sitting on the couch.


So yeah, what do you thiiiiiink?
I really should count the number of times I say I die every week xd Watching Grey's and OUAT!
I'm a really fricking zombie.

But a little cute CS :3 To make me and you guys happy ;)

• believe__inmagic •

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