Chapter 11: Melanie's New Beau

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This chapter is mainly going to be about Melanie's new Alpha of a boyfriend, Gregory Anderson.  Don't worry he's a good-looking fella!  :)  The pic is of Travis Milne from the TV series Rookie Blue.  Told ya he's good-looking.

While staying at the Taylor's estate, I worked on their fence, garage, roof, and patio.  It was in the middle of the summer and Kevin just dropped off his oldest daughter.  She was 15 or 16.  "Greg will you get my granddaughter's things from Kevin's car?"

"Be right there."  I climbed down the ladder and jogged up front.

"Greg, how's it going?"  Kevin said setting his daughter's things down.

"Great.  I start college this fall."  His daughter looked up.

"Mel, this is Greg.  Greg, this is my oldest daughter Melanie."

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Hi."  she said quietly.

"How's the family?"


I took her things inside.  I got outside and Melanie was hugging her father.  "Just enjoy your summer okay?"

"I will.  Bye daddy."

"Bye.  Give a call if you need anything."  He left and we all went inside.  Melanie went to get settled.

A week later, I was in my room in the garage apartment.  I was painting the walls of my room.  I looked out the window and saw Melanie drawing while sitting under a tree in the shade.  I opened my window.  "Hey?"  she looked up.  "I'm almost done painting up here.  Want to get a pizza?"



I went into the house and found Melanie's cell phone.  Her background was a picture of her and her mom.  I found her up front.  "You forgot this."

"Thanks."  I handed her her cell phone.  We got in the jeep and while I drove I watched her hair flow in the cool breeze.  She was gorgeous.

After pizza, we went for a walk in the park.  "So, what brings you here?"

"I needed a break from home."


"My boyfriend and I broke up.  He had been cheating on me for weeks.  So, I just wanted to get away for a while."

"I see."

A month later, Melanie was hanging out with her friends.  They were hanging around in the swimming pool.  Melanie motioned for me to join them.  "Who's he?"

"He's gorgeous."

"He's my best friend."

"Is he single?"  I saw Melanie stiffen slightly.

"I don't know."

We all went out for pizza.  Melanie's friends surrounding me.  Then I felt it.  Melanie was my mate.

A week later, I was working on the roof.  Melanie was talking on her cell phone with her mom.  "Why not?  I want to come home."  she sat on the porch.  "Why not this weekend?"  she was upset.  "I want to come home because I don't have any friends here anymore.  The ones I had only hung out with me because of Greg."  I climbed down the ladder.  "Greg's 19.  Yes he's the good-looking guy staying with grandma and grandpa."  her voice cracked.  "I guess.  See ya next weekend.  Bye."

"Did I do something?"


"Just wondering."

"Maybe I just want to go home."  I watched her go inside.

Next weekend came,  Melanie was packing her things.  "Don't leave because of me.  I can leave.  They are your grandparents not mine."  I leaned against the door.

"I'm not leaving because of you."

"So I'm not the cause of your loss of friends?"

"Where'd you hear that?"

"I was working on the roof while you were talking to your mom."

"I didn't mean it that way."  she said.

"Maybe you didn't, but maybe you did.  I don't care.  If I am your reason for leaving your grandparents then I should just leave."

"You know why I'm leaving?  I'm leaving because I like you.  I like you too much.  Last time I liked someone that much I ended up getting hurt.  Enjoy your date tonight."  She went toward the stairs.

"I'm not going, Melanie.  I broke it off when you're friends invited me along for pizza.  I can't go on a date with someone who isn't my mate."  she froze.  "Yes, you're my mate."  I didn't wait for her to say anything I kissed her.

That afternoon her parents showed up.  She gave her parents a hug.  I shook hands with her dad and mom.  "Mrs. Taylor, it's nice to meet you."

"Dad, Greg's my mate."

"He is?  Kyle's telling everyone in the pack that he wants you back."

"That won't be possible.  Pack law states..."  Mrs Taylor knudged her husband.

"Heather, it's so good to see you."

"Hi mom."  they hugged.

"Later."  Mr. Taylor said.

That night, Melanie was leaving with her parents.  "I'll come visit next time you're grandparents visit."

"Okay.  See ya."  I gave her a kiss and opened her door.

A month later, I was on my way to Melanie's.  I pulled into their driveway and saw Melanie and her sister playing basketball with their dad.  I got out and shut my door.  I got the ball and made a shot.  "Greg, how's it going?"

"Great."  Melanie caught the ball and made a shot.

That night, I was talking with her dad while he was grilling.  Melanie was waiting up front for me.  "Mel and I are going to go for a short walk."  I went up front Melanie was arguing with Kyle.  "Is there a problem here?" I asked putting my arm around Melanie.

"Who's this?"

"My boyfriend."

"And mate."  I said getting a little overly protective.  Her dad came probably hearing the low growl building up in my chest.

"Kyle, you're not allowed on this property let alone anywhere near my daughter."

Melanie and I went for a walk in the woods.  I wrapped my arms around her waist.  "I need a kiss."

"You had you're chance buddy."

"Mels, you're dad doesn't seem to like the fact that you're dating a 20 year old."

"It's the mate thing.  Besides he likes you and knows you care about me.  He also knows you won't hurt me."  I stopped in my tracks and lifted her off her feet.  We fell into a pile of leaves.  "Gregory Michael Anderson, you are a bully."

"Yeah, but you love me anyway."  she got to her feet.

"Says who?  Maybe you're just for show?"  I chased her and caught her laughing.  It started raining.  "So, about that kiss?"  she kissed me.  I hugged her lifting her off the ground.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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