Chapter 12: College-Boy for keeps? Melanie's POV

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Greg leaves for college and Melanie is unsure about her trust.  His opportunity at a college without her.  He's hundreds of miles away and she's just a junior in high school.  In hopes for the school year to fly by, Melanie goes to school determined to make the best out of her last two years.

I took my seat for my first period class while I waited I sent Greg a good morning text which he responded to immediately.  "Good morning, sweetheart."  he texted back.

"How's college going?"  I asked.

"Not too bad.  I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I'll be back to visit next weekend.  I love you."

"I love you too.  I have to go.  I'll text you later."

"Boyfriend?"  I looked up a guy was standing in front of me.


"Just wondering.  I'm Eric."  he sat beside me and I opened my computer.  "Greg Anderson?"

"You know him?"  I asked.  He was looking at my background pictures.

"Alpha of Manta pack right?"


"I'm Beta of his pack.  He actually sent me a text that said to make you feel welcome and don't touch."  I smiled.  "My girlfriend Carson can't wait to meet you."

During lunch, I sat with members of Greg's pack.  I became fast friends with the girls.  I had my own protection group especially since my Alpha gave orders for the guys to protect there future Luna.  I went shopping with Carson, Megan, Angela, and Krissy.  While shopping, we talked about our mates and future events.  My cell phone rang, I checked caller ID.  It was Greg.  I answered it.  "Hey."

"Hey gorgeous."  we met up with the guys.  "How was your first day back?"


"You know that jacket you took while I was packing last month?"

"What jacket?"

"The blue one.  The one that's too big for you and the one that gets too warm and you tie it around your waist.  The one you have right now."

"How'd you know?"

"Turn around."  I did.  Greg was sitting a few tables away.  He came over and hugged me.  My arms around his waist.

"Alpha."  Greg sat down and pulled me into his lap.  "What brings you here?"

"I missed my girl."

"You have to leave again won't you?"

"Don't worry about that right now, okay?"

That night, Greg and my dad were talking about college football.  I was helping my mom with dinner.  I had a date with Greg after dinner.  We were going to the movies.  We sat down for dinner.  Carly, Julia, Christina, and Victoria sat opposite of Greg and I.

After dinner, Greg and I left for the movies.  They were having outdoor movies at the park.  Greg went to get snacks.  I sat on the roof of his truck.  He came back and sat beside me.

After the movie, I was walking beside him.  "When do you have to go back?"


Greg and I went to my junior prom together and that same night he broke up with me because of the long distance.  I doubted it.  His pack still stuck around me we were all great friends.  Eric was having a BBQ.  It had been 2 weeks since my break up with Greg.  My parents and the pack were here.  I was throwing the frisbe around with Carson, Megan, Angela, and Krissy.  "Alpha."  I looked up and saw Greg holding hands with a girl.  My mom and dad looked in his direction.  Greg saw me and froze.  Carson and Eric stood with me.  Eric wasn't happy either.  Carson walked right up to Greg and slapped him.

"You make me sick."  All that ran through my mind was what I wanted to do to Greg, but technically I wasn't a violent person.  My dad, on the other hand, was.  My mom kept a tight grip on his hand.  "Long distance my ass."

"You were with her before we broke up weren't you?"  I asked quietly.

"Mel, I didn't want to hurt you."

"You already did."  I ran into the woods and shifted mid-jump.  I kept running hearing my parents call for me.  It grew dark and I found a lake to drink from.  I heard the breaking of sticks and whipped my head around trying to find the source.  In minutes I was surrounded.  The larger wolf, Alpha, approached me.  I coward away whining.  The wolf growled and I backed into a hole.  My injuries made me shift back.  The wolf looked in the hole and saw I was human.  A male appeared in his place.  "Please... please, don't hurt me.  I don't know the territory lines.  I'm lost.  I'm sorry.  Please..."

"Can you stand?"  the man asked.  His deep voice some how soothed me.

"No.  My ankle."  I knew he could hear my whisper.  "Please, help me.  I'll leave as soon as I'm out."

"Nick, get a blanket and some clothes for her."  the man lowered himself into the hole and handed me his jacket.  He lifted me carefully and passed me up to one of his pack members.  He pulled himself out.  Out of fear I pushed on the guy's chest and due to the fact the he didn't want to hurt me I slipped out of his arms.  I hit the ground.

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