Chapter 29: One Still-born, One Accident

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In this chapter, Zaya hopes she is having just a scare, but when bad comes to worse there is nothing to do but cope with the loss.

---Zaya's POV---

I was grocery shopping with Vincent.  My parents were visiting and we needed things for dinner.  I was in my 5th month, but didn't look like it.  We were approaching the check-out counter.  I had a bad pain in my stomach.  I pressed my hand to my side.  "Z?"

"I'll be right there.  I think they're just stretching."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah,  I'm fine."

---Vincent's POV---

I approached the counter glancing back at my wife.  She was leaning against the shelf.  I started to unload the cart when I heard things get knocked off shelves.  I bolted back to where I left Zaya.  She was burning up.  I noticed the dark red on her jeans.  "Call 911."

At the hospital, I was waiting with her parents.  The doctor came into the waiting room.  I stood up.

When Zaya fell, she miscarried one and the impact caused the other to become still-born.  They removed them.  Zaya was awake, but was not acknowledging anyone who came in.  She sat there starring out the window.  I sat beside her.  "Baby, say something.  Do you want me to go?"  she didn't say anything.  She knew the boys were important to me.  I made the stupid mistake of talking about them more than anything else.  "I'll be back later."  I kissed her forehead.  I went and sat with her parents.  I pressed my face in my hands.

That night, my dad called.  I answered it.  "Hello?"

"Hey, son.  How's Zaya?"

"She's in the hospital."


"She miscarried one and had a still-born."


"I don't know what to do.  She won't talk or even look at me.  She just stares out the window."

"Vincent, all you can do right now is be there for her.  I'm coming to New York."

A week later, Zaya home.  I was working on my truck when I heard footsteps, but it wasn't Zaya.  I slid from under the truck.  I was my mother.  She had some girl with her.  "What are you doing here?"

"I figured you wanted company since Zaya isn't speaking to you."

"We speak just fine thank you.  Would you mind getting yourself and that trash away from my husband?"  Zaya has been in a bad mood since last week's news and accident.  "Vincent, lunch is ready."  I stood and to my surprise Zaya accepted a kiss on the cheek.  Zaya was sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in after washing up.

"Do you want me to sit with you or leave you alone?"

"I don't care."  

She eventually came around, but she made it clear that she didn't want to be pregnant for a while.  She was afraid and I understood.  I was studying for finals when she came home.  She set the mail down then her bag.  "Hey, how was class?"


"The doctor called.  He said you can pick up your pills tomorrow."  I slammed my book shut and went upstairs.

She came up an hour later and knocked on the door.  The door opened and she came in.  She wrapped her arms around my waist pressing her face into the back of my shirt.  "I'm sorry okay?  I should have asked you first."  it had been a year since we were intimately close and a year since the accident.  "I was just trying to help."

"Help what?"

"Vincent, you don't understand."

"That's bull."  I made her let go and she fell back onto the floor.

"That's why I did it.  You won't let me near you for 5 minutes.  I miss you.  I miss being with you.  I know what I said and I just want you okay?"  She left the room.  I woke up in the morning Zaya was already gone.  I found a note.  "Breakfast in the microwave.  I had to go to class."  her side of the bed was untouched.  She probably stayed in a separate room.  I went into class and Zaya came in talking to some guy.  I recognized him as Claire's husband.  Zaya saw that I was in class.  She set her bag down and sat beside me.  My cell buzzed and I shut it off.

---Zaya's POV---

Vincent smiled at me.  "I'm sorry about last night.  I want you too.  I just know that if I get that intimate with you you'll end up pregnant and you don't want that."  he said whispering in my ear.

"Vince, I do.  I'm just scared.  If we do then it might happen again."

"We'll talk about it later, okay?"

During class, Vincent kept glancing at me,  I was writing down some notes because I knew that he would need them.

I was at the bank with Claire when the doors flung open.  "Nobody move!"  Claire and I stayed together.  My cell rang and the guy took it from me.  He threw it.


"Vincey? I'm scared."

"Zay, what's wrong?"

Vince arrived at the bank with the police.  The robbers were arrested.  Vincent found me and pulled me into his arms.  Clarie ran to Jason.  He held her.  Vincent lifted me carefully and carried me to the car.  He took me home.

While I slept, Vince cleaned my cut hand and received my missing jewelry.

A week later, despite my fears and unknown problems I have with myself, Vince and I talked about it and planned to have a baby.

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