Holiday Lights

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I know its a bit early to be talking about Christmas but I love this time of year so I had to make one early. Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions just leave me a comment.


Lucas' POV

It it was Christmas time and Maya's mother had to work on Christmas day so she decided to come with me to Texas to see papy Joe.

"Are you sure you want to come? You can stay her if you want." I asked Maya who was pushing her bag into my arms.

"I want to come. Its better than being cramped up in my apartment alone." She replied continuing to push her bag into me, this time even harder.

"Ok but we do things a little differently in the South. Are you sure you can handle it?" I joked.

"Oh just you wait ranger rick!" She declared giving me a glare and a smile before jumping in and shutting the car door. I smiled and did the same.

Some time later...

As we pulled up outside the ranch. All my family were outside around a Christmas tree. There were millions of lights that lit everything up and made it all come to life. I looked over at Maya.

"This isn't a Texas thing, this is just a Friar thing." I said peering at her. Her face lit up as if she had seen Santa himself.

"This is so beautiful, your so lucky." She said.

"What for having a massive Christmas celebration." I questioned her feeling a bit confused.

"No, for getting to have such a big family. It was lonely for me with it just being me and my mom." She whispered having to gulp afterwards to keep the tears back.

"Well, now you have all these people, as crazy as they are." I sarcastically laughed trying to make her feel better. She smiled at me but didn't say anything. She just jumped out if the truck to run into the big bundle of Friars.

A little while later I walked out onto the porch to see the family still drinking and decorating the tree which looked a little decrepit now and I watched how Maya just seemed to blend in as if she had always been apart if it.

"She's great son." I heard form the left side if the porch. I looked over to see Papy Joe sitting in his rocking chair holding a plate full of food.

"What?!" I asked sitting down in the duplicate chair beside him.

"She fits in really well, she reminds me of your mother!" He said. Looking out at the family once again.

"How does she?" I asked feeling even more confused than before.

"You mother married your father and somehow straight away she blended in like she had grown up in the country her whole life, your Maya is just like that." He smiled still looking forward.

"Look at them two, they both have this fire about them that can tame a man but can also make him a man. Just like your grandmother did with me she gave me the best days of my life." He continued.

"Do you have the most fun when your with her." He asked. I sat back and wondered about all the fantastic things she did.

"Grandpa, I have my worst times with her and the greatest times." I replied. Joe
turned his head to look and me and smiled.

"She's incredible just like all the Friar women are. Son, once you graduated..."

"Marry her" I cut in saying it with him. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a black box. Papy Joe's smile got even bigger and then he turned his head in silence back out at the ranch.

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