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I need to thank gmw_love_xo who requested this one shot I generally loved writing it. 💕

This is sort of the story if Maya had met Lucas and became best friends with him instead of Riley.

6 year old Maya's POV

I sat on my swing set that had just been put together by my mums fiancé. For the first time I actually felt like I was part of a family and I liked it.

"Hello!" I heard a voice say as I was swinging higher than I had ever before. I looked down to see a boy with sandy blonde hair, he was dressed up like a cowboy.

"Who are you?" I asked scrapping my shoes in the ground so I could stop swinging.

"I'm your new neighbour." He smiled. "Why have you moved to Texas, nothing ever happens here?"

"My mums getting married and we're going to be a real family. So we moved from New York to start a new life." I explained trying to understand it myself.

"Is that your mums fiancé?" He asked me pointing towards the window.

"Yeah that's Shawn. He really nice." I got up from the swing and started to walk towards the house.

"So don't you want to be my friend?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"I have trouble trusting people." I explained trying to block out all the memories of my daddy leaving that kept popping up.

"That's ok." He said. "My Mama said that a friendship takes a lot of work, I'll be back tomorrow." And before I could say a word he had vanished out the back gate.

Little Lucas' POV

I watched as the new neighbours brought all their stuff into the house. There were three of them. A man with sandy coloured hair, he constantly had hold of a camera and was taking pictures as they unloaded. A women with short blonde hair and loose mum jeans who seemed really happy and content, wobbled along the pavement as she carried 3 boxes at once. The last one was a little girl about my age she had light blonde hair and she seemed happy but in a melancholy way.

I watched for days as the new people unpacked and made the house their home. The man build a gigantic swing set and the little blonde girl would play in it. One day she was sat on the swing set higher than I had ever seen anyone swing but she still seemed kind of sad so I decided to talk to her.

The whole time We had the conversation she didn't seem to want to talk back but then she said

"I have trouble trusting people." And That's when I knew that I had to keep trying.

Shawns POV

"Hey there's a random boy talking to to Maya." I gestured over to the window. Katy (Maya's mum) looked out and then smiled.

"No, she looks a little happier now he's here." She replied. "Do you think moving to Texas was a good idea?"

I looked over to Maya who to my astonishment did look a little happier and I knew what to say back

"Yeah, I think it was good idea."

Maya's POV

I watched as he left smiling all the way to gate and I thought maybe just maybe I would make some good friends here.

Days went by and I heard nothing from this mysterious boy who lived next door but something told me I would be seeing him again.

Let me know if I should do a part 2 or not? And love you all 💕💕

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