My Cowboy

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Genuinely want to thank Densilucaya for suggesting this one shot. It's defiantly one of my favourites.

Lucas' POV

I felt really uncomfortable for the whole of French lesson because all Missy kept doing was talking to me. Don't get me wrong it's nice to have a friend but I knew Maya didn't like her and things had happened in the past.

I looked over at Maya who was staring straight at Missy and mouthing something along the lines as 'I will kill her' but I couldn't be completely sure. I just couldn't wait till the end so I could escape.

"Hey huckleberry!" I heard someone call as I walked out of class.

"Yes!" I replied knowing it could only be Maya but when I turned around I saw Missy I was so shocked that I didn't say a word.

"See you round Huckleberry." She giggled as she walked ahead of me out to the corridor.

I knew that when I told Maya she would kill Missy so I decided I would just tell her to stop in my own that way there's a lot less blood.

Maya's POV

I hated French all Missy would do was talk at Lucas like he actually enjoyed listening to her talk about her brand of conditioner, the whole lesson I would just think to myself all the ways I could snap her little evil neck.

After class I waited outside for Lucas just so I could vent about how much I hated Missy but I wish I hadn't.

"Huckleberry!" She called out to him and as soon as I heard her say it I was going to charge in but then he didn't say anything like 'only Maya calls me that' so I froze, I was the only one that called him Huckleberry. Why did he let her call him that? Seconds later she walked passed me and her evil Medusa head stared straight at me and then giggled down the hallway.

I was going to confront him as soon as I could get my hands on him.

Lucas' POV

I saw Missy in the hallway after 4th period and I just had to tell her she couldn't call me that ever again.

"Missy?" I called down the hallway. She turned around and smiled.

"What's wrong Huckleberry?" She asked me making me a little more uncomfortable every time she said it. It felt wrong when it wasn't Maya saying it to me.

"That's exactly it." I explained. "The nicknames are mine and my girlfriends to say. Could you just please stop!"

"Sure I don't even care about any stupid nicknames... Soon!" She glared and then slowly turned away to walk back down the hallway.

"Lucas I need to talk to you!" Maya shouted from behind me.

Maya's POV

I was about to let him know exactly what I thought when he interrupted me.

"Maya before you say anything I have to tell you something." He said looking a bit worried. "Missy called me Huckleberry and I was so shocked that I let her do it. But I did tell her to stop and I'm sorry. Don't be mad."

"Me mad NO... I had no idea." I tried to get out of what I was about to do. It was sweet that he told me.

"Wait what did you just want to say to me?" He asked

"Erghhh nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"You were just about to tell me off weren't you." He sighed ending with a smirk.

"Yes." I admitted. "And if you ever let anyone call you any of my nicknames ever again. I will kill you."

He nodded and I quickly wrapped my arms around him giving him a big snuggle before heading of to next period.

Lucaya One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin