Japan x Reader: Gomenasai

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Warning: cutting, Depression. Don't read if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff.

Y/n was a good friend to pretty much everyone. She was always there when you needed her, and always had a smile on her face. But if anyone asked her who her best friend was, she would always reply with the same answer, 'It's Japan of course!'. Of course, she knew that Japan didn't like her very much, but the girl was determined to make Japan accept her...

Y/n's POV.

'Yay, today is the World Conference Meeting. I can see all of my friends again!' A young country by the name of C/n thought to herself. She dressed up in her f/c outfit and slipped on her black knee-length boots. Brushing her h/l h/c hair out of her face. She looked at her face in the mirror. A huge scar ran down her right cheek. She quickly got out some foundation and covered it up. She had got that scar from Japan when they were at war with one another. She remembered that war all to greatly. The pain of her country, the bombs dropped on her. Why she still wants to be friends with Japan, no one knew. Suddenly feeling down, C/n sighed. She decided she would call up Germany and tell him she was sick. She grabbed her cell and called Germany. "Hallo? C/n?" She heard from the other end.

"Hey Germany, I'm feeling a little sick so I won't be attending the Conference today. I just thought I'd let you know."

"Ja okay zen C/n, get better soon."

"I will Germany, Bye."

"Auf Widersehn C/n" And with that, she hung up. C/n got out of her uniform and back into her pyjamas. 'Wow. Thinking about that war really gets me depressed.' She thought to herself feeling tears come to her eyes. What none of the country's knew was that she suffered from severe depression, and right now she felt the urging need to cut her skin. As if in a trance, she walked towards her drawer, where there was an emergency knife stationed. Lifting the sharp blade to the light she rolled up her pyjama sleeves and cut. Once, twice, three times, until she no longer knew how many cuts there were on her arms. It gave her pleasure. To see all that blood rolling down her arms. Her head snapped up as she heard a knock at her door. 'Oh sh**!' She thought before rolling down her sleeves and putting on a jacket. She ran down the stairs and opened the front door. Who she saw shocked her. It was all of the Axis powers, including Japan. "Oh hey guys, what's up?" She asked plastering a fake smile on her face. "We-a came to-a see how you were-a doing Bella!" Italy exclaimed and glomped her. C/n winced in pain as he touched one of her new cuts. "Oh I'm just fine Italy, I was just not feeling too great." She said softly looking anywhere except for the Axis. "Would you all like to come in?" She asked them.

"Ja okay zen C/n," Germany said whilst pulling Italy off of her. She smiled again and stepped out of the doorway to allow them in. "Well make yourselves comfortable!" She chirped as she made her way into the kitchen. As soon as she left the Axis began muttering to one another. "She didn't seem to good Doitsu, she looked really pale."

"I know Italy, but jou all know vat today is right?" He asked the other members. Italy shook his head with a confused expression, whilst Japan just nodded. "Hai, Germany-san. Today is the day that I craimed war on her country." Japan said sadly. Japan actually regretted claiming war on your country, the pained look you got every time his country dropped a bomb on yours. They all snapped out of their thoughts when they hear a crash from the kitchen. They race in, to see a horrifying sight. You were there on the floor holding your heavily bleeding arms, looking paler than ever. Japan raced towards you. He dropped to the floor beside you and held you tightly. "Germany, carr (call) the hospitar!" He said urgently, Germany nodded and instantly called the hospital. "Itary get some bandages." He told Italy. Italy raced into action not wanting to see any more of your blood. "Gomenasai, C/n, Gomenasai for everything." He whispered to you.

"J-Japan?" You asked softly.

"Hai, c/n it's me." He told her softly tears streaming down his face.

"Don't cry Japan, I hate to see you cry." You muttered eyes closing slowly.

"No don't crose your eyes, stay awake." You nodded softly when Italy finally entered with the bandages. Japan worked on your arms right away wrapping them up tightly. He looked at your arms in shock, so many scars littered your wrists. The ambulance finally came in and took you into the hospital.

~Time skippy~

"Mr Honda?" The nurse called. Japan's head instantly snapped up.

"Hai is she okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes she is fine, you can visit her if you want." The nurse confirmed. Japan practically ran into your room. He saw you there lying awake. "Y/n!" He exclaimed wrapping his arms around you, and kissing your forehead. "Hey, Kiku." You giggled. He pulled away looking at you firmly.

"Don't you dare ever do that again. Aishiteru Y/n." He whispered.

"Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu." You said back to him. He smiled and kissed you.

Hey guys this is my first time writing Japan and writing angst. I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any requests write them in the comments.

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