Denmark x reader: You're My Idiot

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Your POV

The halls are painted an ugly yellow colour. I despise it so much. It's too much of a happy colour, to bright and cheerful. Much like that annoying Matthias. "HEY Y/N!" Speak of the devil and there he is. I swear he can be so loud and annoying at times.  "What do you want, idiot?" I ask him, my voice showing barely any emotion other than slight annoyance. "I just wanted to say hi. You look amazing today, like usual." He grins that silly little grin of his. Tch. Empty compliments. I sigh and loo up at the ridiculously tall male. "What do you want Matthias?" I ask him again, my voice cold in comparison to his joyful one. His grin falls off of his face for a few moments before returning. "I just wanted to know if I could walk you to our next lesson, since we have the same one I mean." He rubs his wrists slightly, a sign that I have come to notice that he is hiding something. I nod and slam my locker door shut. "So, what's wrong?" I ask him. His azure coloured eyes widen for a moment before returning to their normal size. "What makes you think that anything is wrong N/n? Nothing's wrong with me!" Yes, but I noticed that look in your eyes when I asked that question. "Okay then." I sighed as we carried on our trek to History. Matthias flung open the door and sat down in his seat at the back of the classroom. I took mine at the front of the classroom, and to pass time, I take out my notes and review them. It appeared that Matthias and I had arrived earlier than anyone else, for we were alone in the classroom. I hear the loud scratching of a fountain pen on paper and look back towards Matthias, whose grin had completely faded and replaced by an almost sad look. I silently walk to the back of the room, where he sat in solitude. I look over his shoulder and smile softly when I see what he's writing. It's a diary. And the messy sort of handwriting wrote out only a few words that seemed important to me at that precise moment. 'I love Y/n L/n' was scrawled on the paper. "Matthias." I breathed in his ear, alerting my presence and causing the male to shiver. "Y-Y/n!" He exclaimed in shock trying to cover the diary entry with another piece of paper. I grab his hand and pull it away from the entry. 

Matthias' POV

I take a short intake of breath as her smooth hands rest on my own, gently pulling them away from the paper. How much had she read? How long was she standing there? What's going through her mind right now? I ask myself questions, scared to see how she would react. My fingers grip tightly on my fountain pen. Apparently too tight because at that moment it burst jet black ink all over my white shirt. I gasp in horror at the ink, it was sure to stain and if it did I would get another beating from Father. "Ah shit!" I yell loudly, staring down at the mark of black. Y/n smiles. A sight that is not too common. "Here, let me help." She takes out a sort of scrubbing cloth from her pocket and walks over to the sink. She turns the tap on and allows the water to soak in. Then she takes out a cleaning product and squirts a little on. Damn. She really is prepared for anything. She walks back over, and it takes all I have to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. She slowly cleans off the ink from my shirt. "Thank you." I breath softly, not noticing as her hand paused. She brings her hand to cradle my face and she smiles. God, her smile is breathtaking. "No problem Matthias." I feel a pink blush rise to my cheeks when the teacher walks in. "Why good morning Miss L/n, Mr Kohler." Y/n stands back up straight. "Good morning Sir." With that she sits back down in the seat at the front of the classroom. I can't help but to think to myself though, she never did respond to the words in my diary. A diary, I know, is kind of a girly thing to keep, but it helps me get out my true emotions. My true emotions about my Fathers constant drinking and abusing Mother and I. My true emotions on Y/n, who I know I don't have a chance with. She's too beautiful, with her h/l h/c hair and her e/c eyes, which can draw you in instantly. Her voice is like an angels, so soft and melodious. She's smart, kind. Anything you could want in a girl.

~Timeskip until evening~ 

"Father, I'm home!" I yell, alerting my family of my presence. My Father comes stumbling into the room, and I can't help but feel a flash of terror as he comes in my direction. "There you are you stupid boy. Why don't we have a little fun eh?" I tremble in fear. When Father says 'Fun' it means a huge beating. I look over his shoulder and see something that makes me want to cry. Mother is layed on the floor, blood creating a pool around her body. I gasp as I feel a belt hit my face. Feeling tears well up in my eyes I stand up and run out of the house, not listening for Father's yells to come back. I run to the only one I can think of. Y/n. I race down the street to her house, which actually isn't far from my own at all. I knock on her door frantically, and fall when she opens it. "Matthias? What happened?!?" She exclaims grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house. "Father, h-he killed Mother and now he's coming after me too, shit Y/n what do I do? He'll kill me! He'll kill you if he finds me here, oh god why did I come here?" I ramble. Y/n pulls me into her arms. I sob into her shoulder as she leads us to the sofa, where she sits and grabs my face in her hands. "Oi, Matthias you idiot! I won't allow him to get to you here okay? We'll call the police and you can stay here." She tells me firmly. "And you can stay until we get out of school, and then you can move away from him okay?" I feel more tears spill down my face. "Why? Why are you doing this for me Y/n? I'm not worth it!" I snuffled. She smiles down at me. "Because you may be an idiot Matthias, but you're my idiot. And no one will hurt the one that I love." "I love you Y/n." I whisper into her shoulder.

"I love you too idiot. Now kiss me already." I chuckle and do as she orders. 

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