Nordics X Reader: Iceland's Ending

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Iceland's POV

I groan as I stand in the airport, waiting for the girl that I'm supposed to look after. I think my Boss had called her Y/n or something, I wasn't really listening to be honest. I kind of zoned out after he described her appearance. H/l h/t h/c hair with e/c eyes and s/c skin. This is completely and utterly pointless. What could I possibly say to a girl to help her? I'm too awkward for this sort of stuff, I can't talk to the other Nordics, never mind a girl who I've never even met before! Then again, I can't begin to imagine what she's gone through, so I have to try. Who knows what might happen if I just give up on her. The plane lands; people pouring out in waves. One girl stands behind everyone else, a h/l h/t h/c haired coloured girl, with, from what I can see, e/c eyes. I guess that's Y/n then. Her eyes scan the crowd, looking over everyone with a dull expression. She looks so tired, like the world's leaning on her shoulders. As the crowd clears away, she notices me and walks casually in my direction. Her posture is slouched, it's like she's trying not to be seen, like she's hiding from the world. "Hey." She greets me, but her voice doesn't sound happy. It doesn't sound happy at all. I shake it off, and reply. "H-Hey, shall we go?" She nods and follows me, kind of looking like a lost puppy. I notice that she pulls down the sleeves of her f/c sweater a little bit as she walks.

The car ride home is silent, neither of us can get the nerve to talk to the other. She keeps fidgeting with her clothes and staring intensely at her hands. She acts nervous, wary even. It's as if she's scared of something. Her nervousness makes me feel on edge. Am I doing something wrong? Should I talk to her? What should I say? "We're almost there." I blurt out, glancing at her worn face. She nods and carries on staring at her hands. I pull up in the driveway and open my door. Y/n follows in suit, shutting the car door carefully. She grabs her bag and follows me into the house. I quickly give her a tour of the house, observing the way she reacts. She doesn't seem very enthusiastic. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad. On the positive side it means she won't annoy me too much, however it could also mean that she feels threatened. Despite how I act, I do want to help her, it's the case of how that bothers me. "Here's your room, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen if you need anything." I say and walk out of the room to give her some space. I walk into the kitchen and grab some fresh fish out of the fridge. I contemplate on how to cook it, deciding that simply grilling it and adding herbs to it would be best. "Y/n, food is ready." Y/n slowly slinks downstairs. "Thank you Emil." I cringe at the sound of my name, it sounds too feminine. "Just call me Ice, everyone else does." Y/n nods and tucks into the food. Suddenly Mr Puffin flies in through the window and lands on her head. "Hey there cutie~" He says, alarming Y/n who drops her fork on to the plate. "Mr Puffin didn't I tell you to stay with Lukas until I had helped Y/n?" I ask in annoyance. Honestly that bird is so troublesome. He rolls his eyes and flies back out of the window. "Sorry about that." I apologise to Y/n. She says it's fine and continues eating.


It's been approximately 3 months, 1 week, 4 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes and 19 seconds since Y/n first came here. It's currently afternoon, and Y/n has locked herself up in her room. This isn't the first time this has happened, it happens quite frequently actually. But it's never lasted for this long. She's been in there for 2 hours already, and I can hear a few whimpers from behind the door. I've had enough of this, I need to see what's wrong. "Y/n, can I come in?" I ask whilst knocking on the door politely. She doesn't reply and I know something is wrong. A pit of worry grows in my stomach as I try the door handle. It's locked. My heart begins to beat faster as I call out her name over and over again, slamming my entire weight into the door. It finally cracks under pressure and I stumble in. What I see makes my throat close up and my heart to painfully constrict. "Y/n, oh gods what did you do?!?" Y/n is sat on the floor, with her arms and legs bleeding heavily. I tear off a bit of my clothes and wrap it around her wounds as a make-shift bandage. "I-Ice, I'm sorry." She whispers. My heart cracks and I feel myself move to wrap my arms around her. The dried tears on her face wash away as new ones pour down. "Why?" I ask the one thing that is on my mind. She stays silent for a few minutes before taking a shaky breath and telling me. "I've been neglected for as long as I can remember, my parents didn't care for me, I had to make my own food, pay for my own things, look after myself. People at school ignored me, and it hurt. It h-hurt so god damn much Ice! I just couldn't take it any more! Cutting is my only release, my knife is my only friend, and yet at the same time my worst enemy." I hug her tighter, allowing her tears to soak my clothes. I rock her back and forth, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. "Please stop Y/n. I don't know what I'd do if the only one to have ever stolen my heart died." Y/n's tears stop as she looks up at me with wide and innocent looking e/c eyes. "y-you love me?" She asks. My breath hitches in my throat as I nod, a red blush coating my cheeks. "I do, and I always will Y/n." She smiles slightly.

"I love you too Ice."

~Extended Ending~

I sit on the sofa with Y/n cuddled into my arms, her pregnant stomach bulging as the 8 and a half month year old baby grows inside her. After I confessed, I wrote a letter to Norway, asking for him to make Y/n immortal like us. He agreed and now Y/n and I are happily married with a baby on the way. Y/n managed to fight her depression, and the scars have faded into little pale lines on her skin. She's happier now, and I'm so glad that she is. We've been thinking of names for the baby, we decided on Matthias if it's a boy, and Lucia if it's a girl, both named after my brothers. Lukas has already started spoiling his nephew or niece, already having bought many soft toys and stories for us to tell them. "I love you Y/n." I whisper to the drowsy woman.

"Love you too Ice."

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