Denmark x Reader : Piling Stones

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Stones piled up, gradually growing taller than the woman. So many stones, so many lives lost, so many pieces of her soul gone. Her brown cloak was wrapped securely around her figure, her barrette securely placed in her hair, pushing her fringe out of her tired e/c eyes. Her fingers were cold and weak as she piled them. The pile was now taller than her, almost as tall as Matthias. "I don't think you can add any more stones to that Y/n," Matthias smiled at her. She didn't smile back. She couldn't. The pain of losing her king was too much for her to bear, too much for her country to bear. She added the last stone, watching as it tumbled down the pile pathetically. "You're right Matthias. But it's the last stone. The last live to have been lost." 

She knew why it had fallen down, how could she not? She wasn't dead yet, almost dead, but not yet. "God I don't know what to do anymore!" She cried out in frustration, earning a pitying look from her Danish friend. "None of us do Y/n. We can't do anything, not yet." His words did not comfort her. They did not make her feel better. That's why she liked them so much. She had no need for comfort, comfort wouldn't save her. Nothing could save her. "I wish I could." She whispered, the feeling in her stomach rising to her throat making it hard for her to get her words out properly. "So do I," She smiled softly, for even though it hurt her face, a smile was needed. "I want you to stop hurting." He finished his sentence, standing in the same position. Y/n's smile wavered, tears filling her eyes. "I'm glad, I'm glad that you care so much that you won't forget me after today." The Dane looked at the back of her head in confusion. "Why would I forget you? You're not leaving me." Then it dawned on the man and his expression turned to one of horror. "No, no, no. No you can't, you can't do that to me Y/n, I won't let that happen." Snow crunched under the personification of Denmark's feet as he moved towards you, you laugh bitterly.

 "A stone for every life lost, remember that Matthias. You can't do anything. Just remember." Denmark shook his head, not believing the fact that she was dying. "You promised-" Y/n's bitter laugh cut him off once again as she turned to face him, showing him her sullen face. "Promises have to break sometimes Matt." The tears that were building up in Matthias' cerulean eyes finally broke free, a single tear sliding down his face and falling on to the floor. "Don't cry Matthias, please do not cry." Y/n stepped towards him and pulled his body into a weak embrace. "How can I not when I know you're dying and I can't do anything to help?" "Matthias," She said sternly, taking his face in her hands and making him look directly at her. "I knew that this day would come. I have known for a while now. But you have to be strong, for your country, for me, if not anyone else." Matthias nuzzled into your hand for comfort, before pulling you into his body tightly. He wanted every last thing about you to be etched into his memory, she knew. He breathed in her scent, pressing a feathery light kiss on her head. Pain became to much to bear, and she fell to her knees, Matthias falling right beside her. He layed the woman on the frosty ground softly, taking on of her hands in his. "I'm scared Matthias." She whispered, looking up at his face that he was trying to keep as happy as possible for her sake. "I know, I am too. One day I'll win this war for you. I promise." She smiled and took a sharp breath. Matthias almost let the pain on his face show. "And then you can live on." 

"Matthias, it feels so cold." He smiled so sadly and pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his own cloak around her frail body. "Don't forget me. Please don't ever forget me Matthias." The wind howled, carrying her words out into the air. "Never. C/n will always exist to me. Next time I'll pile the stones with you. We'll die together, next time I won't let you fall." Y/n hissed in pain, before lifting her hands to his face and pressing a kiss to his lips. Matthias brought her closer. "I'm sorry." Suddenly it felt as though there were nothing in his hands, he opened his eyes and began to sob. All that was left on the floor was Y/n's barrette. The gold accessory stood out among the white snow, Matthias knew exactly what the barrette was for. He had given it to her after all. He took it in his hands and placed a kiss on the metal, right before it disappeared to join it's owner. "I could never have imagined... I never thought she could... just die... I'll bring her back, somehow. I have to." Matthias stood up from the ground, wiping away his tears. Her footprints had gone, leaving no trace what so ever of her existence. Well, the stones were still piled up. Matthias took the last stone and placed it right at the top of the pile. This pile would forever remain, right until Y/n returned. And she would return. Matthias would make sure of it, he would build up her country to the best it had ever been and she would return. 

~Timeskip of 10 years~

Matthias stood in the same place he had exactly 10 years prior to the date. But something had changed, something seemingly so minor, but so important to the Dane. The top stone had fallen to the ground, that one stone that was the reminder of Y/n's life had fallen to the floor right in front of him. "You don't need to remember me anymore Matthias." The said male turned to her direction, tears filling his eyes. He cried, pulling the woman that he thought was long gone into a warm embrace."Welcome back Y/n." 

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