Norway x Pregnant Reader.

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You grinned and hugged the Finnish man in front of you. The living room was decorated in baby blue and baby pink, streamers and balloons floating around the place, along with a huge banner saying 'Welcome home Dad!'. "This place looks awesome! Oh man! I can't wait to see Lukas' reaction!" Matthias yelled in excitement. He was probably more excited than you were about this whole thing. Actually, that would make sense since you were just extremely nervous. Emil, your Husband's younger brother walked to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You'll be fine. He'll be ecstatic. He loves kids, a bit too much if you ask me." The last part of his sentence was murmured, but you could still hear him. You laughed, knowing that Lukas used to obsess over Emil as a child and that the Icelandic male despised it when he did. Berwald nodded in confirmation of this sentence. You laughed a little, looking up at the clock that was hung carefully on the wall, having being placed there by Berwald himself, who worked at Ikea. "He'll be delighted to have a child with you Miss Y/n!" They all hugged you gently, making sure not to accidently hurt you. "Guys, we need to hide now! Lukas will be coming home soon!"You cried out, hurrying around, finding everyone a hiding place. You crouched down behind the sofa, waiting for your Husband to come home.

"Min elskede? I'm home." Lukas' fairly monotone voice sounded from the hallway, the shutting of the door ringing through your ears. Your hands shook as you laced your fingers together, waiting for your loving husband to walk into the living room. He did so, strolling into the room, his uniform that he would wear to the cafe on, him looking absolutely amazing in it, as always. You could hear him gasp and drop his bag on the floor as he looked up at the banner. All of you jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" Lukas was frozen in shock, purple-blue eyes staring up at the words on the banner. He snaps out of it quickly, turning to you and wrapping you up in a hug. "Skatt? Is it true? Are you really with a c-child?" He asked you, tears pooling in his eyes and dropping on your shoulder. "Yeah, I took the test 4 days ago. 3 times. All came back positive, we're going to be parents." He let out a happy sob and picked you up, spinning you around excitedly. He eventually put you down on the floor, placing one hand on your stomach and the other on your face as his lips met yours in a passionate kiss.

~Second Trimester~

So far not much had happened. Lukas became a lot more overprotective of you and your small bump, barely allowed you to go anywhere without him. Sadly your morning sickness had kicked in, and so at the moment Lukas was holding your hair away from your face as you threw up in the toilet. "Are you alright?" He asked you, stone cold eyes softening a little at your current demeanour. You nodded yes and walked back into your shared bedroom. Lukas smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Jeg elsker deg." He whispered. You grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Love you too!" He smiled slightly in return, asking you if you wanted any of your craving for ice cream with watermelon. You nodded gratefully, allowing him to escape the room. God you loved him.

~Third Trimester~

You and Lukas were sat on the sofa, each reading a book. You were in your 9th month of pregnancy, and it would appear that your child would be born late. It didn't worry you, considering that it was usual for women in your family to give birth later on. Lukas' hand rested comfortably on your stomach, absentmindedly allowing his fingers to trace patterns on your enormous baby bump. A sudden pain in your stomach made you gasp in pain. You had just had a huge contraction. You had been having them every 20 or so minutes now, but this one was only a few minutes after the last. A certain wetness down below made you quickly stand up. Lukas looked at you, quickly looking down and understanding. "Lukas, I need you to go upstairs quickly and get the emergency bag. I can get myself to the car." He nodded, joyfully pressing his lips to yours before running upstairs to get the bag. You hobbled over to the car, opened the door and sat in the front seat. Lukas ran quickly, not bothering to lock the door. He was only concerned with his wife and his future baby.

"Y/n's in labour." He stated bluntly to Emil over the phone. He could hear his younger brother put down the phone and yell at the others. "Y/n's giving birth!" He could even hear the excited cheers from Matthias and Tino. "We're on our way." Emil hung up. Lukas paced the polished floor of the hospital, with a number of times he did so, you'd have thought that he would have made a hole in the ground. Thankfully he didn't. That would be difficult to explain. A few minutes later others walked in, all seemingly about to throw up, except for of course Tino, who was driving. Lukas mentally noted not to allow Tino to drive with his daughter or son when they go to visit.

It took 6 hours for Y/n to be finished giving birth, and Lukas was told that she was so exhausted that she needed rest, and that he should wait outside until she was awake. He waited anxiously, just wanting to see his wife and child. "Hey, Big Brother. Chill, you heard the Midwife. Y/n and the child are fine. Just tired." Emil told Lukas, instantly making him stop his pacing at the sound of big brother coming out of his mouth. "Y-you called me Big Brother!" Lukas almost cried in joy. "Your wife is awake now Mr Bondevik. You may see her." Lukas perked up, pushing gently past the Midwife and into the Delivery Room. A pink bundle in Y/n's arms told him all he needed to know, and he walked forward, kissing Y/n on the forehead, before looking down at there wonderful creation. "Hello Princesse, I'm your papa." Lukas' voice was soft, as to not frighten the child with Y/n's eyes and his hair. "I love you both, so much."

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