Norway x Rival Reader: Protect.

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Norway stared at the woman in front of  him with his emotionless eyes. "Why is she here?" He asked Denmark, mild annoyance crossing his features. "She's visiting me and Sve, Norge!" Norway huffed and walked away. Y/n sneered at him as he pushed past her. "Goddamn, brat!" She yelled to him. "Still older than you Y/n. It should be me calling you a brat." Norway responded. Denmark chuckled lightly at the usual string of offences they shared. He knew well enough to not try to intervene when they got like this. Sweden walked in from another room, standing next to Denmark and watching as the two argued back and forth. "They at it again?" He asked the Danish man next to him. Denmark laughed and nodded. "Aren't they always? You know how much tension there is between them Sve." Sweden hummed in agreement. The two of them watched as the imperfect couple barked back and forth. "Who is that?" A voice behind them startles Denmark and he jumps up and spins around to face the confused expressions of Finland and Iceland. "Oh, that's Y/n L/n, the representation of C/n. We were friends back in the Viking Days before you two were found." Denmark explains. Finland and Iceland nod in understanding before watching the interaction between Norway and her. "Why are they arguing?" Finland's question makes both Denmark and Sweden freeze up and look at each other. "It's not really our place to tell you. You should probably ask C/n, she loves to rant about it. Don't bother asking Norge though. He'll just frown and walk away." Finland nods in understanding. Suddenly Y/n raises a hand, about to slap Norway. "Here's our cue," Denmark mutters as he walks forward, grabbing Y/n by the waist and lifting her away from Norway. Sweden does the same to the annoyed/angry male. Y/n sighs in defeat and tells Denmark to put her down. She walks towards the other two males, who were watching the scene with shocked looks, smiling happily. "Hey! You must be Finland and Iceland. I'm C/n, but you can call me Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." Finland gives her a sweet smile and hugs her tightly. Y/n freezes for a second before hugging back. Iceland just shakes her hand and looks away.

Tea time came and passed and with the help of her Danish friend, she unpacked all of her bags in her room. "Okay! Thank God that's over, wanna come drinking?" Y/n perks up at the mention of drinking. Denmark didn't know this yet, but ever since the incident in the Viking Era, she had become very fond of bars and drinking. "Of course!" She grabs a jacket from a hanger and grabs her purse. Matthias laughs and walks out of the room. "Y/n and I are of drinking! See ya later!" He yells before walking out of the house and starting up the car. In only a few minutes, they were at a bar. Y/n runs up to the bartender and orders a bottle of strong whisky. Both Denmark and the Bartender looks shocked as she manages to gulp down half of the bottle in one. "When did you begin drinking like this?" Denmark asks her. Y/n shrugs and continues to drink the heavy alcohol. She slams it down on the table and orders more. Denmark orders some beer. "I think it was sometime after I left you and Sve in the Viking Era." She chuckles lightly. "It doesn't matter, though. Right now I just need to get the image of Norway's disgusting face out of my head." Denmark frowned slightly but ordered another beer. 

Approximately 18 bottles of Whisky and Vodka later, Y/n was drunk and needed serious help. She was sobbing dramatically into Denmark's shoulder, crying about how mean Norway was, and how hard it was to live with an abusive England and then an Abusive Russia. Denmark dialled up Sweden. "Hey, Sve! Could you please pick up me and Y/n? She's really drunk." Sweden replied with a yes. "Thanks, Babe!" Denmark quickly hung up before the most likely blushing Swedish man could respond. "Tch idiot! Why the hell wouldn't I try to protect him? Even if he was a stupid brat, trying to control me and tell me to do things women were supposed to do!" Y/n continued her rant as Sweden came in and picked her up, easily slinging the smaller woman over his shoulder. Denmark followed, placing a wad of money on the table. All of the Nordics sat in the back of the car, as Denmark took the front seat. Sweden placed Y/n next to Norway, who wrinkled his nose at the strong smell of whisky and vodka. Y/n began sobbing again clinging on to an uncomfortable Iceland. "Why do I have to sit next to that brat? His stupid face'll just remind me more!" Her words slurred together with the amount of alcohol she had taken into her system. "What happened exactly?" Everyone groaned at the Finns words. Y/n laughed bitterly and sprung into story whilst Norway frowned and looked out of the window. 

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