Denmark x Bullied Reader: Perfect

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You kept your head down,  keeping yourself isolated from others. You couldn't let anyone else get bullied because of you. You didn't want to make people deal with your problems. You were happy alone. When you were alone, you could think, and when you could think, you were calm. Calmness was something that you found hard to get. With your parents being dead and with all the bullying that went on at school, serenity was something you strived for. "Hey there freak." You ignored the comment and continued walking down the hallways of your school. "Oi, don't ignore me! Little useless beings like you shouldn't have the privilege of even being alive!" You were suddenly shoved into the lockers behind you, your head meeting the metal with a thump. "Life is not a privilege if people like you are in it." You retorted, masking your fear with your cold comebacks. The girl in front of you gasped and started fake crying for her boyfriend to help her. "Andrew! This girl is being mean to me!" You rolled your eyes in disgust. Seriously, could her voice get even more annoying? The boy she called Andrew, stormed up to you and threw you into the lockers again. "What did you say to my girl?" He asked you, with a dark voice. 

"I only told her that life is not a privilege if she's in it." Your blunt reply caused him to punch you in the face, you knew that it would bruise. They always did. It was the same routine every day, someone would bully you, you would retort with something and they would get someone to beat you up. "Hey, leave her alone!" Okay this wasn't a part of your routine. No one had ever stood up for you before. Andrew ignored the person who had said that, continuing to hit you. You knew that it wasn't one of the teachers that had told him to leave you alone, they never actually cared if you got beat up. In their eyes, you were just as useless as the bullies said. Andrew threw a punch at your stomach, only for it to get stopped halfway. "What the hell man?!? I was just going to teach her a lesson!" You opened your e/c eyes to look at your saviour. You recognised the blond, gravity-defying, spiky hair to be Matthias', this came as a huge shock to you, as Matthias had never talked to you before. "Well you're not a teacher so you don't get to teach people lessons." Matthias' sharp remark was even surprising to Andrew, who lightly shook in fear of the tall and strong man. "W-Whatever man, you can have her!" Andrew took his blonde bimbo and ran away from you. You would have fell to the floor, previously having being held up by Andrew, if Matthias had not caught you. "Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" His loud voice in your ear didn't help the ringing. The world began to spin around you, and you collapsed in his arms.

Matthias began to panic. He did not like the fact that you were being beaten up daily, never mind to the point that you would pass out. In his eyes, you were perfect and he couldn't understand how anyone could hate you. He picked you up and practically ran to the Nurse's office, no one got in his way. They knew not to anger Matthias, especially when he was protecting someone he cared about. He burst into the Nurse's office, calling out for the gentle nurse to help. She came out from behind a cabinet. "Oh the poor dear, what happened to her?" The Nurse was used to the Danish boy coming in to see her, he did get hurt a lot after all, but she never expected him to be holding an injured girl in his arms. "Bullied." The Nurse's eyes widened in pity for the girl. She told Matthias to lay her down on a bed whilst she got her supplies. Matthias did as she said, only in a different way to how she expected. He sat on the bed, with her head in his lap. He was stroking her hair in a loving way. "She your girlfriend Matthias?" The Nurse asked playfully, trying to break the awkward atmosphere. Matthias blushed a deep crimson, but shook his head no. "Nah, she's too good to go out with me." The Nurse chuckled and began tending to the girl. "I'm going to need you to move out of this area." Matthias looked up at her with a pout. "Why?" He whined. He wanted to stay with you until he was certain you were okay. "I need to take her clothes off so I can treat any more of her wounds." Matthias regained the blush, and hesitantly placed her down.

Time passed before the Nurse came out from the curtained area, looking slightly disturbed. Matthias jumped up from his seat and hurried over to her. "Is she okay?" He asked, panicking slightly again. The Nurse sighed. "She has a lot of bruises Matthias, more than I have ever seen on a student. But she will be okay." Matthias let out a breath of relief before asking if he could go and see her. The Nurse nodded, giving him permission to do so. She usually wouldn't allow a student to visit an injured one during class time, but she could tell how much the girl meant to Matthias. She knew he cared deeply for her, he wouldn't have looked so worried if he didn't. The Nurse shook her head and sat down at her desk, waiting for any other students to come in. Whilst the Nurse waited, Matthias sat down next to you, resuming his gentle stroking of your hair. You groaned in pain a little, before fully awakening and sitting up from your previous position. "Matthias, what are you doing here?" You asked the blonde boy next to you. Matthias just smiled and hugged you, unknowingly brushing against a few bruises. You hissed in pain, causing him to move back and start to fuss over you. "Matthias. Matthias. Matthias!" He stopped when you said his name for the third time finally getting his attention. "I'm okay. It just hurts a little. I'm used to it now." Matthias looked at you, biting his lip in an annoyed way. "You shouldn't be!" He practically yelled, standing up from his seat, startling you. "It's not fair that you have to go through things like that!"

"Matthias it's fine, it doesn't matter anyway." You attempted to calm the boy down, your words not helping one bit. "Yes, yes it does matter! It matters because someone as perfect as you shouldn't have to go through half the things you do! It matters because you should know that there are other people that love you!" You began to feel angry, whether it be at the bullies, Matthias or yourself, you didn't know. "Who Matthias? Tell me, who can possibly love me? My parents can't because their dead, and-" Matthias cut you off by yelling loudly. "I love you Y/n! God I always loved you! Ever since I first saw you in Science when you were mixing chemicals, when it reacted and blew up in your face! You're beautiful and your understanding and you're just perfect in every way, in every way that everyone else should wish that they were!" You looked at the ground shyly. "Look at me Y/n." You forced yourself to look at him directly in his cerulean eyes. They shone with honesty and love. Two things that had become so foreign to you in your lifetime. "I love you, I always will." You smiled at the Dane and wrapped your arms around him in an embrace. You missed this type of human contact, the loving type. Matthias brought you closer, pressing his body against yours, and then lifting you up in a bear hug. "I love you too Matthias." Matthias set you back on the floor and pressed his lips against yours in a gentle and loving kiss. The Nurse walked in and laughed. "There are rules against PDA you know, but for once I'll let it pass Matthias." You and Matthias broke apart, both portraying a shocked face. The Nurse walked out laughing at the two of you. Matthias shook his head and placed his nose on yours,  rubbing them together in an eskimo kiss. "You are perfect to me~" He sang softly in your ear.

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