Norway X Depressed Reader: I have an addiction

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Norway's POV

"I have an addiction Luke, no matter how hard I try I can't stop." I feel my heart ache for Y/n. She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve to see the cruelty of the world with those once innocent and bright e/c eyes. She didn't deserve to feel as though she had to find a release. "Then I will help you change your addiction Y/n, I can't let you live like this anymore."Damn my emotionless voice, making it seem like I don't care when I care so much.  "You don't have to do that Lukas, it doesn't hurt me anymore." I feel the tears build up behind my eyes. "No, cutting doesn't hurt you, it hurt's me." Her confused expression makes me want to kiss her more than I usually do. So I do, I lean in and press my cold lips on her warm and soft ones. She stands with her hands clenching the edge of the table, a pink hue colouring her skin. She can't move, my body is trapping her. I don't want her to move anyway, I want us to stay like this forever. Salty tears splash against my face, as she begins to cry and kiss back. I kiss her more passionately. I pour my every emotions that I can't ever seem to portray on my face into that one kiss. My lungs are desperate for air now, so I move back slightly, allowing my forehead to rest on her's. I stare into her beautiful e/c eyes. The emotions in there are unmistakable; love, hope, confusion and depression.

 "Lukas, what-I don't understand!" I shake my head and wrap my arms around her waist in a silent embrace. "You don't have to understand, just know that I can't let you hurt yourself." Her eyes widen and she moves her arms to hug me back, her head resting on my shoulder and me rocking us back and forth. I can feel the emotions well up in my throat, I don't think I can say anything else to her without crying. But I have to be strong for the both of us. I can't put any pressure on her, I must not cry because if I do then she'll get even more sad and think it's all her fault. I know she will because that's just who she is. She's incapable of shoving blame onto another person, she's too kind to others. And yet she has no respect or kindness for herself. "I swear I won't-" She laughs very lightly, something that sounds so weak and fragile. I hate this side of her. "Don't make promises you won't be able to keep Lukas. I've had too many people betray me, it's best if you just don't make any promises at all." I hold her closer to me, I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated with myself for not being able to show her how I feel, and I'm frustrated at her for not understanding that I love her. "I'm not like those people. They made empty promises, they were just using you. I can never make an empty promise to you; I'm incapable of just using you. You've helped me so I have to help you back." I have to make her understand. I can't let her live like this anymore, I just can't! "There is no way to help me anymore." How can she even think that? "I can't believe that. Forget what I said about understanding. Y/n I can't let you live like this because around you I feel something that I don't feel with anyone else." Y/n rolls her eyes. I can tell she does because whenever she does she makes a sound with her tongue. "Probably hatred."

I growl in frustration. How can she even begin to think that I hate her? Who put it into her mind that she was unloved, that she had to fight everything alone? "You don't get it Luke. It hurts, it's a daily pain that starts in your heart then moves into your head and makes you think things. It really makes you feel worthless and then you think about how you're unimportant in the world, that your just one person among millions of others. I want to be selfish for once in my life Lukas, I want to go!" She pushes me away from her in an attempt to show exactly how it feels. "No I do understand," I pull up my sleeves to show her a bunch of old scars littering my wrists. The old reminders that show how weak I was. "because I had the same addiction." Y/n gasps in horror and traces the scars with her gentle fingers. "Lukas, why would you do that to yourself?" I smile at her concern, her small frown and the way her eyebrows furrow inwards looks so adorable. "The same reasons as you. I felt alone." It seems as though that strikes something into Y/n, as she begins to cry, wrapping her arms around herself. I pull my sleeve back down and kneel in front of Y/n, probably getting my trousers dirty but at the moment I don't care. I take one of her scarred wrists and press feathery light kisses on each one. I feel my hands shake as I see a few words carved into her gorgeous skin. Words like 'worthless', 'unloved' and 'disgusting' were the most prominent. "You are worth everything; you are not disgusting in any way; your beautiful; you are loved." Salty tears splash onto her arms, connecting quickly with my lips as  I kiss away the pain. She falls to the floor, gently pulling up my sleeves to kiss mine. I feel my heart beat quicker as she presses gentle kisses to my scars. "Lukas, you are the most perfect person I know. I can't understand why you would feel like I do, but if you got over it then so can I." I smile at her determined words, even though there is a hint of uncertainty, I know she'll try. "You are more perfect than words can describe Y/n. That's why I love you." I wince at the fact I allowed that to slip out. Instead of slapping me like I thought she would, she smiles and presses a hesitant kiss to my lips. I kiss back desperately, wanting to show her what I can't explain. She pulls away for a second, before whispering 5 words back, "I love you too Luke."  

"No matter what happens, I will always be here." I whisper into her ear, causing a rare smile to cross her face. "I know Lukas, I won't leave any time soon."


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