Denmark x Homeless Mute Reader: Soundless Voice.

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The cold wind bit harshly at her cheeks, the forceful snow pelting at her barely covered arms. It was night, and the town was wrapped in a thick silence. The pure white fell down onto the ground, the snow piling up. On her outstretched palm, she could feel the snowflakes individually, the moment it touches, melting away. The ephemeral fragments looked so beautiful and unique under her observant eyes. It piled soundlessly. The light of the street lights shone, and in the distance, she could hear a bright laugh. It seemed to gather all of the light from the stars, the moon and the lamp posts. She looked in that direction, wanting to share the bright light with the person. Her eyes landed upon a tall figure, dressed in red and black. She took a hesitant step in that direction, the sound of her bare feet crunching in the snow alerting the man. He smiled and waved his hand. She tried to smile back, but her face was so cold that it had almost frozen into a frown. Her mouth formed around the word, hello, trying desperately to squeeze out the two-syllable word. The tall man looked at her confused, but then his eyes widened in understanding.

"Hello!" The tall man cried as he walked towards her. Seeing her thin clothes, he took off his heavy looking coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Aren't you cold?" He queries. She nods. "Do you have a home?" She shakes her head no and waits for the pity that was sure to come. "Well, you can live with me then!" Her head snaps up, her e/c eyes meeting with bright cerulean blue ones. She shakes her head furiously, refusing his offer immediately. His bright mood dampens a little. "Why not? I can cook for you and help you get back on your feet! Not to mention that I need the company." She listened to him in shock. He laughed at her face, slinging his arm over her shoulders. "So what d'ya think?"She blushed a little and nodded. He cheered and picked her up bridal style. "I don't want ya to be getting cold feet now!" He laughed heartily as she buried her face into his relatively warm chest. "Oh, I'm Matthias! What's your name?" She began writing letters on his back, hoping that he would figure it out quickly. "Y/n?" He asked. She smiled softly and nodded.

It didn't take awfully long for him to get the two of them back to his small house. He had gently thrown her on his sofa, running upstairs. She presumed he was getting towels or blankets, and she was proven correct. He threw her a towel and a blanket, already drying his gravity-defying hair. He noticed her still chattering teeth and frowned slightly. She had already dried her body off and was huddled under the blanket. Matthias sat next to her, taking her thin body into his strong and warm arms. She looked up at him, pink hinting at her cheeks. She mouthed a thank you, her eyes slowly flickering down as she tried to fight away sleep. Matthias positioned her in a more comfortable way, her head falling on his shoulder as he picked her up in his arms. He carried her into his room, placing her on the bed, and moving around the blankets so that she could be warm. He pressed a swift kiss to her forehead, before walking out of his bedroom. His heart beat raced abnormally fast, and his stomach fluttered, his entire body felt like it was on fire.

It had been 4 months since Matthias had allowed Y/n to stay with him, and it had honestly been the best and worst time of his life. Every time he was around her, he would feel himself become weak, he would become a trembling child again. He had never expected it to feel this way, she had taken over his mind. He only ever thought about her, even when the rest of his friends were off making out with girls and getting laid, he never could. Even with her soundless voice, the words she spoke echoed in his mind. Her voiceless laugh was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, she was completely unfeminine, her cheeks blazing red, tears coming out of her eyes, mouth wide open and slapping her thighs. He always felt proud when he had accomplished giving her happiness. He would smile whenever he saw her smile, or whenever she did something adorable in his eyes and blushed at it. Y/n really was magnificent, but she made him weak and fragile. It was chaotic, the joy he felt compared to the raw pain when he realised that she had always been alone. He didn't know how to deal with it.

Y/n on the other hand had only felt euphoric since meeting the Danish man who had changed her life. He had helped her out when she was at her lowest, and she was ever thankful for that. With a heart as loud as thunder, but with a voice as silent as a snowflake, much like the ones she had met him in, she could not express her feelings to him in words. Her actions were always clumsy, but still, as she fell on air, she could always feel strong, muscular arms wrap around her waist. She would always thank him by pressing her hand to her lips and then pressing it to his chest. It was her own sign for thank you, and she couldn't help but notice that he always blushed a little when she did it. Today, however, she was thinking about thanking him in another way. She had tripped over her feet again, and as usual, Matthias was there to prevent her fall. She smiled and pressed her hand to her lips, pressing it to his chest as usual, before bringing them to her eye, pressing it to her heart, and then pointing at him. He understood perfectly and grinned, picking her up in his arms and spinning her around.

 "I love you too, angel."

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