Norway x Reader: I love you

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C/n stood in front of all the other Nordic countries, dirt, blood and tears staining her beautiful s/c skin. She was dressed in rags, and no shoes protected her feet from the cold weather or hard ground. Her e/c eyes were turned towards the ground, feeling ashamed for having to ask for help. She had already asked countries like America, China, Russia and England for help, but every time she was refused, them saying things like 'All of us have to go through hard times, it's just a phase, you'll be fine.' The h/c haired nation knew that that wasn't the case, though. Her Government had disbanded when her Prime Minister and King had died. "I'm sure you'll be fine Miss Y/n, it's probably just a phase." Finland's sweet voice sounded so cold to the young woman's ears. "I-If y-you don't believe m-me, t-then come t-to my country a-and s-see for yourselves. Girls as young as 9 have had to go into prostitution to get money, they're dying!" Norway stared down at the woman, eyes cold and calculating, and yet still no emotion passed through them. "We will, I've already booked a flight for in a weeks time." C/n nodded and walked out of the Nordics house and out into the windy night. 

"I'm sorry, I don't have much I can give you. Many hotels have closed down, and this is the best I could get for you in the meantime." The Nordics all looked around the filthy room in disgust. The walls were thin, and cracks covered almost every inch. Cobwebs hanging in every corner and the floor was so full of dirt and dust, it looked as though if you even stepped on it, you would create a dust cloud. C/n's conditions had gotten worse over the week, leaving bruises and scars scattering her sickly pale skin and dark bags to hang around her once bright eyes. It was obvious that she was exhausted and becoming sick from her peoples' pain. The Nordics regretted even doubting her. She had guided them through her capital city only an hour ago, her eyes staring miserably at the young and old people on the dirty ground begging for money, food, and shelter. She had told them not to stare at them, they would become nervous or scared. "I managed to find some more blankets, to keep you warm. It gets really cold at night." She thrust 5 ragged blankets into their hands, leaving the room silently to enter her own.

"She really wasn't joking when she said that it was bad," Denmark stated eyebrows raised in surprise. No one answered; they felt too much guilt to answer. "She's dying, isn't she? I can feel it, you all can too. She needs our help." Norway says out loud, only a slight hint of concern seeping into his voice. Iceland sighed and cuddled up to Finland for heat. Norway secretly wished he could do the same for C/n, hold her close and allow a calming silence to wash over them as they laid in bed, unspoken words seeming to pass between the two. Norway knew of Finland's and Iceland's relationship, and approved of it, although he was kind of jealous that he didn't have what his little brother had. He also knew of the love Sweden and Denmark had for each other. Both refused to confess to the other, both out of pride and the worry that the other didn't like them back, which was ridiculous considering that everyone knew that they liked each other, except for the men themselves. "Go to C/n, Norge. We all know you want to." Norway scowled and hit Denmark over the head, the Danish man sadly not wearing a tie to be strangled with, but nevertheless walked out of the room and into C/n's. 

"Nor, why are you in here? Is something wrong?" C/n walked back into her room after exiting the bathroom to see Norway sat on her uncomfortable bed, head in his hands. She walked towards the taller country, deciding to sit next to him. He lifted his head to meet her concerned gaze, the light blush on his cheeks unmistakeable in the lamplight. He didn't say a thing, just stared into C/n's eyes that seemed to age with every day that her people were in that condition. C/n stared right back, e/c eyes boring into blueish purple. "They were annoying me, and I wanted to make sure that you were okay." C/n's eyes widened slightly at the last part. She looked away from Norway, looking instead at the cracked wall. "I'm just fine Norway, I suppose you shall all be going soon. I wouldn't want any of you to get sick from living here." Norway frowned and scooted closer to C/n. "I'm staying." C/n tried to protest, but Norway would shoot them all down instantly. C/n stood up in anger, turning to face Norway. Said male stood up too, wrapping his arms around her waist, preventing her from going anywhere. 

"Norway, let me go!" C/n growled, brushing a piece of h/c hair away from her face. Norway refused, holding her tight and resting his forehead upon hers. "I'm not letting you go." C/n moved her hand to slap him, not expecting him to grab her arm and stare into her eyes. His eyes flickered down to her lips for a split-second, she really would not have noticed if she weren't staring into them so furiously. Within that short moment, Norway's head had moved closer to hers, his lips becoming closer to her own with every passing second. C/n felt starstruck, neither wanting or feeling the need to push him away. Eventually, the usually detached and emotionless male pressed his lips to hers. Both of their eyes shut tight as their lips moved against each other, fireworks seeming to erupt in their heads. C/n could have sworn that Norway could hear her quickened heartbeat as his natural scent of the sea entered her senses. His lips felt cold against her own warm ones, but the cold was not uninviting. Actually, she quite enjoyed the crisp feeling of his lips against her own.  At that moment they just stood there, kissing under the moonlight that crept in from the window.

Norway pulled away reluctantly, his breath fanning over her face, his cheeks blazing red and his heartbeat pumping so fast he felt as though it could jump out of his chest. He let go of C/n's arm, letting it drop to her side. He shivered slightly, missing the heat if her lips, feeling slightly intoxicated by the emotions the woman gave him. His mind going blank, he moved forward and caught her lips once again in a passionate kiss, his head tilting to the left. One of his hands moved to her waist, whilst the other held the back of her head, leaving as little room between them as possible. C/n wrapped her arms around his neck moving her lips against his passionately. A burning fire lit in Norway's stomach, setting all his senses alight. He now noticed the way her warm lips connected with his perfectly, and the way her soft hair felt in between his fingers, and the way her body leant against his. His hand moved down from the back of her head to joining the other one, on her waist. He lifted her up gently, not once moving his lips away from hers. He tentatively allowed his tongue to poke at her soft lips, earning a soft noise of surprise from C/n. He was about to pull away, before she opened her mouth, just enough to allow his tongue to slip into her mouth. Their tongues battled for a few seconds, Norway winning easily and exploring C/n's mouth. He thoroughly enjoyed the soft moans that erupted from her mouth as he made out with her. 

It was at least a few minutes of them making out before Norway finally placed her down on the floor and pulled away from the kiss, a few strings of saliva remaining from their passionate kiss. "I'm not leaving because I love you. And I don't want to see you in pain." C/n smiled, her cheeks a bright pink. Her eyes scanned everywhere but Norway's eyes, her being much too embarrassed to look at him.  "I-I love you too Nor." Norway smiled slightly, but just the sight of his lips twitching upwards excited the woman. Not once had she seen him smile as freely as he did now, and dare she say it, he looked quite handsome doing so. And she didn't even think he could get any more handsome than he already was! She reached up and traced the lines of his dimples. "You should smile more, it makes me feel so much more happy to see you smiling." He smiled wider and pressed a light kiss to the tip of her nose. "As long as you are with me, I will continue to smile." 

~Extended Ending~

"Denmark, be quiet," Sweden told the slightly shorter Danish man as he laughed at the sight in front of them. Finland and Iceland stood in front of them giggling slightly, and even Sweden couldn't suppress the very small smile at the adorable sight. "But Sve! It's so cute!" 
"You're cute." 

Cue blushing Denmark and laughing Finland and Iceland.

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