England x Human Flying Mint Bunny Reader!

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"Hello England! How are yo- ouch!" A green bunny like creature yelled in pain as she entered England's magic room whilst he was practising a spell. The spell had hit Flying Mint Bunny, and she had passed out on the floor. England began to panic, seeing one of his magical friends on the floor. "Bloody hell! Are you okay? Flying Mint Bunny?" He asked, kneeling down next to the slowly changing creature. Flying Mint Bunny was growing taller! And she was beginning to sprout human body-parts! England went into a panic again, quickly taking off his shirt to give to the now quickly growing Flying Mint Bunny/human. When she had fully transformed, she woke up, rubbing her single red eye with her hand. "*yawn* Hey England, why are you so small... Why do I have hands? England, did you hit me with a spell!" The human woman asked rapidly, looking up at England. The blushing man just handed her his shirt, allowing her to put it on.

 "Iggy, I can't button this up!" England grimaced at the annoying nickname, but helped the woman button up his shirt. The shirt was like a short dress on her, and would be perfect until England could find her some more clothing. "You'll be needing a new name, I can't go around calling you Flying Mint Bunny all the time, so how about Y/n?" Flying Mint Bunny, or Y/n now, nodded in agreement and stood up on her wobbly legs. She pushed a lock of short, mint green hair behind her human ear and grinned at England. During this short time, England looked her over, taking in every detail of his friends new body. She had a fairly curvy figure, with mint green hair and heterochromic eyes, one being red, the other being green. Not to mention the adorable bunny ears at the top of her head. England felt another blush rise to his cheeks as he coughed and looked away from the woman in front of him. 

"Hey Iggy! Do you have anything else for me to wear? This is a bit uncomfortable in my new body." England understood exactly what she meant. Y/n wanted to wear clothes that actually fit her and covered everything up. "Y-Yeah I'll just go and find something. You can go sit in the living room if you want and I'll bring them down to you." Y/n happily skipped after England and fell down on the flower-patterned sofa. England rolled his emerald green eyes at her un-ladylike ways, and went upstairs. He rooted through his cupboards and found a white shirt that was too small for him, some boxers and some jeans from his punk days. Smiling in approval, he hurried down the stairs and passed the clothes to Y/n. He turned away as she dressed in the new clothes. This time she managed to button up her own shirt, which the nation was very grateful for. He didn't think he could handle the embarrassment of doing that again. "'kay I'm finished!" England turned around and allowed a smile to cross his lips. Y/n looked absolutely adorable in the outfit he picked out for her. "Wonderful love, would you like some tea?" Y/n paused, thought about it, then grinned and nodded a yes. England walked into his kitchen and began brewing some tea. Y/n walked in and wrapped her arms around England's waist, grinning when he jumped in surprise. "Sooo... what do I do to get back to my normal self?" England felt a little sad, knowing that Y/n wanted to go back to being Flying Mint Bunny already. "Not like I want to turn back, but I'll just be a bother otherwise." England turned around and pulled her into a light and gentlemanly hug. "You are not a bother." He claimed, not noticing the red hue on Y/n's cheeks. "B-but I don't know how to do anything in this form!" England chuckled deeply.

"Then I guess I'll just have to teach you, love." Pulling away from the hug, England took out two teacups and placed the tea in them. Y/n held it up awkwardly, and England adjusted her grip to one that would suit her better. "Here, hold it like this." Y/n nodded and did as he said, carefully bringing it up to her lips and taking a dainty sip. The hot tea ran down her throat and she made a noise of surprise at the sweet taste. England watched all of this with an amused expression. "Good?" He queried. Y/n nodded enthusiastically, her short mint-green hair following her movements. Suddenly a chime interrupted their silence, causing Y/n to jump and drop the fragile teacup.  Burning hot liquid stained her trousers as tears pooled in her different coloured orbs. "Love, are you okay?" England asked her, taking a napkin and wiping away the tea on her lap. "I-I'm sorry for breaking you teacup England." England rolled his eyes. 

"I don't care about the cup, I have more. Are you okay though?" Y/n nodded her head shyly, rubbing her arms. England glanced up at the old grandfather clock, green eyes widening as he realised the time. "Love, it's really late, why don't we head up to bed? I do apologise, but I don't have any free rooms at the moment, so you'll have to sleep with me." Y/n smiled and nodded, rubbing her eyes and yawning in exhaustion. "Wow, I didn't even know I was this tired." She muttered under her breath. England laughed and picked her up bridal style. Y/n squeaked and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

England carried her to his room, got her some shorts and an old t-shirt for sleepwear, got changed and climbed into bed, Y/n following his actions. The woman next to him fell asleep quickly, adorably snuggling into his arms. England smiled and brushed a lock of hair out of her face, slightly brushing her rabbit ears. Y/n mumbled something when his hand brushed them, and hugged England tighter in her sleep. 

England decided at that moment, that he could get used to this.

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