Nordics x Reader: Finland's Ending

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Finland's POV

I wait, nervously pacing the floor, for my Boss to come out with the girl that I'm supposed to look after. I can hear yells and screams for him to get away from her behind the door. Her name is Y/n L/n, and my Boss has told me that she's deadly afraid of men. This made me feel a lot more nervous, hopefully she'll think of me as too feminine to be afraid of. My Boss runs out of the door as I hear a smash of a plate or vase smash against the door. His eyes are wide and kind of scared. "Go do your calming thing Finland." He orders, shaking like a leaf. I nod and open the door wide to see a crying girl, h/l h/t h/c hair sticking to her soft/sharp features, and large dull e/c eyes, looking on with a terrified expression. She kind of reminds me of a scared child. She snaps her head to look at me and she falls backwards, scrambling back into a corner. "Shh, shh it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you sweetie. My name is Tino, I'll be looking after you for a while." Y/n still looks scared, but she stands up slowly, inching towards me. "You're not going to hurt me?" She asks, her voice hoarse and scratchy from crying so much. God, what has she been through? I shake my head in answer to her question. "I won't hurt you, not ever." Y/n sends me a shy smile. Even though she's trying, her eyes still look so sad, so hurt, she doesn't trust me. I know it will take a while, but one day I will help her trust people again. "For some reason, I believe you." I look at her, smiling brightly. She giggles a little, and inches closer to me. My Boss walks back in, holding an ice-pack to his cheek. Y/n freezes and looks at my Boss in terror. My 'Motherly' instincts kick in and I bring Y/n into my arms, hiding her face from my Boss who is looking down in shame. Y/n is whimpering in my arms. She reminds me of Peter when he's scared. "I think it's best if we leave now." I say to my Boss, picking up Y/n and carrying her out of the room.

Throughout the car ride home, I try to strike up conversation with the woman next to me. She seems to be lost in thought though, talking in a vague sort of way. Y/n refuses to speak about anything to do with her past, she only talks about likes and dislikes, not looking at me the entire time. "Please don't touch me again, it makes me nervous." She tells me, uncertainty in her eyes. I pout a little bit, but sigh and agree to not touch her in any way. She shoots me a smile. "Thank you for understanding." I nod, but I feel really concerned. What did people do to her to make her this scared of human contact? I swear I will not do anything to make her uncomfortable, even if it means not being able to give her hugs. "I hope you don't mind the Christmas decorations, I like to prepare super early." I tell her, laughing as we pull up into the driveway. She giggles and shakes her head. "I hope you don't mind me staying here, after all, I didn't give you much time to prepare." She's so thoughtful, it's really cute! It makes me want to hug her and squeal over how cute she is being, even though I can't. "I don't mind Y/n! I always like visitors!" I open my car door, and move to open hers, she stops me by opening it herself. She gives me a cheeky grin, holding her bag just over the floor. It looks really heavy, so I took it from her hands, and take it into the house for her. She pouts and follows me into the house. "Hana, I'm home!" I call out for my adorable little dog, Hanatamago, but I call her Hana for short. She runs in and jumps into my arms, Y/n looks at her curiously. Hana, sniffs the air around Y/n and jumps out of my arms and into her's. Y/n giggles and strokes her fluffy coat. "She likes you." I tell Y/n, a bright smile on my face. Y/n interacts with Hana so nicely! I can just tell she's going to love it here, and the best thing is that she'll be staying for a while, hopefully until after Christmas!


Y/n's been here for almost 2 months now, and it's two days before Christmas. She's begun to trust me even more, allowing me to give her short hugs of appreciation and comfort. I'm very happy when she's around, she seems to somehow unintentionally make me feel close to her. She also really likes to cook, she's great at it! I actually think she's better than me at it, but then again, I am from Finland so I cook different things to her. It's 6 in the evening right now, and Y/n is in the Kitchen, finding things to bake with. "Tino, I'm going to go to the shops to get some more ingredients, if I'm not back in 2 hours come and look for me." She calls out, grabbing her jacket and money. "Okay, do you want me to come with you?" I ask her. This would be the first time sh'll go to the shops alone, she keeps getting lost every time she does try to go alone, so I usually go with her just in case. "No, I think I've figured out how to get there." I smile and nod, giving her a slightly reluctant 'okay' in response. "I'll be home soon Tino, don't worry." I sigh as she closes the front door. I can't help but to feel as though somethings going to go wrong. She hasn't told me what happened to her, and I don't want to pry, but I think I figured it out. Or at least gotten close to figuring it out. I think she was abused by someone. It would make sense, she's afraid of physical contact, slightly uneasy around new people and kind of quiet at times. All of them kind of hint towards abuse, I really hope I can help her in some way, she is really nice to everyone, so she doesn't deserve any bad things that happen to her. I take a book off of the shelf, hoping to read and get my mind off of Y/n, of course it doesn't work, it seems as though I never can get her out of my mind these days. Not that I mind, it's just slightly annoying when I'm trying to do something and her e/c eyes pop into my mind randomly.

Y/n has been gone for exactly 2 hours and 12 minutes, and I'm beginning to get worried. It's really dark outside, who knows what could have happened? Okay I have waited an extra 12 minutes, I am officially done. I'm going to look for her! I open the door, my boots and jacket already on, and run down the driveway. I can't waste any time if she's in trouble. I run into the shop, not caring if it's just about to close up. "Sir, Sir! Excuse me but have you seen a woman with h/l h/t h/c hair, e/c eyes and s/c skin? She was shopping here a few hours ago and she hasn't come home yet." The man looks at me with concern. He's kind of old, about 50 or 60, with wise blue eyes and white hair. "Yes I saw her, but she left about an hour ago. She went that way." My breath hitches as I realise that she went through the worst part of town. God, she could of gotten kidnapped or something! "Thank you so much sir." I run off, speeding through alleyways, calling out her name frantically. "No, let go of me!" I hear men's laughing as I Y/n yells at them. She sound terrified! I run to where I heard the yelling coming from. My hearts beating so fast I think it could beat right out of my chest. I turn a corner and growl when I see about 4 men, touching Y/n inappropriately. "Shut is sl**!" "Yeah, be thankful, we're the only ones that'll give you this!" "Whose whore are you anyway?" "I think I'll just let my hands slip!" One man begins to caress Y/n's chest with a creepy grin. She whimpers and tries to move away from them. I feel my face grow hot with anger. "GET AWAY FROM Y/N!" I yell furiously, throwing a strong punch in their direction. Luckily it hits one man right in the face, causing his nose to crack. Y/n falls to the floor, watching in terror as I beat the guys up. I throw them all in a heap at the end. Picking up Y/n and the shopping, I begin on my way home.

I rest Y/n on the sofa gently. She hugs me close to her, her breath is rapid and she's trembling. "God Tino, they were going to... Oh God I don't think I could take that again." I freeze up at the last part. What does she mean 'again'? She wasn't raped before was she. "With my Uncle doing that to me when I was a child and my ex-boyfriend doing it to, I don't think I could take anymore. Please don't let them hurt me again!" She cries into my shoulder, me moving my hands to rub her back. I hush her gently. "They won't ever touch you again, I promise I won't let them." Her crying stops, leaving sniffles and hiccups behind. "We're friends okay? So even if I didn't want to, I'd still end up protecting you from harm." She moves out of the hug, and I gasp as I realise what I said. Oh no, what if she doesn't want to be my friend? She wraps her arms around my neck and presses a kiss on my lips, my eyes widen as I accidentally fall backwards, pulling her on top of me. She doesn't stop kissing me though, if anything, she kisses me more passionately. I snap out of my shock and wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her back. Her tears drop on my face as we kiss, so I move one of my hands to wipe away the tears. After about 5 minutes of just kissing, we pull away. Our breath mingles with each others, and I smile. "T-Tino, I-I'm so sorry! It's just that I love you and I kind of accidentally kissed you because of that and-" I cut her off by pressing my lips back on to hers, my hand moving a stray piece of hair out of her eyes, the other wrapped around her waist tightly. This kiss is unlike the first one, this one is desperate, I need her to understand my feelings for her. "Don't apologise. I have come to the conclusion that I love you so much Y/n, you're so beautiful and kind." I whisper to her, my eyes still closed from the euphoria of that kiss. Y/n laughs and presses another kiss to my lips, I move to pull her even closer, but she pulls away playfully. I laugh, and soon all you can hear is our laughing.

~Extended Ending~

I smile at Y/n as we walk through the park, my hand is clasped in hers. After we began going out, I asked Norway to make Y/n immortal like me, and he agreed. We've been going out for 3 years now, and each day with her is amazing. Which is why I'm about to do what I'm going to do. The box in my pocket grows heavy as I start to speak. "Y/n," I begin, kneeling on one knee. Y/n turns and looks at me in surprise. "We've been going out for 3 fantastic years, and I have come to a conclusion that I want to spend every living moment with you by my side." Y/n gasps, her hands covering her mouth and happy tears pooling in her eyes. "So Y/n L/n, ruler of my heart, will you do me the honor of becoming my Wife?" I ask with a smile, opening the black box to reveal a silver ring with a (birthstone) stone in the middle of it. "Yes Yes, A million times Yes!" Y/n cries as she jumps on me. I place the ring on her finger, ignoring all the cheering from around us. "I love you so much Y/n." I whisper softly.

"I love you too Tino."

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