Germany x reader: Until The Day I Die

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C/n was part of the Axis Powers. She had always wanted to fight in a war, but her brother America had always told her not too. This war was kind of like a revolution for C/n as well, after this she would be free. And she couldn't wait. There was only one thing wrong. She had fallen for Germany.

C/n was out training with the others. She was keeping up easily with Germany. Germany looked at her. Her e/c eyes were blazing with determination. Her h/l h/c hair blowing  behind her. Honestly she looked like a warrior. Her uniform was a black sleeveless t-shirt with black skin tight trousers with black knee length boots. Germany heart raced.Another battle would occur soon and he knew it would be a worse attack than the others. America would be furious after finding out that his sister had joined the Axis. As he and C/n finished their laps they watched Italy and Japan. Things were obviously tense between the two of them. Germany coughed and looked at C/n.

"C/n Ich vould like to speak to you." Germany said in his thick German accent. C/n looked up at him in shock. "Ok then would you like to go into the Forest to talk?" C/n asked him still generally shocked that Germany wanted to talk to her. He nodded and began walking towards the forest. C/n ran to catch up with him. "So what do ya wanna talk  about?" 

"I vanted to ask you vhether you think it's vise to stay in the Axis  vith your bruder angry about you vanting freedom?" 

"I do not think it wise, nor do I think it unwise. America has to learn that he can't control me. Despite what he thinks, I am old and mature enough to decide on what I want to do. And I want my freedom." C/n says looking up at Germany. He smiles and nods. Just then a gun shot rings out. The bullet goes right in between the two countries. C/n whips around to see her brother holding a gun and shaking in anger. He shoots again, this time aiming for C/n. She jumps out of the way. "How dare you Sister! You are my colony and you do what I say!" He roars. C/n's eyes harden and she growls.

"I do not belong to you America, I am my own country!" America aims the gun at Germany. C/n's eyes widen as she pushes Germany out of the way taking the shot. It hits her in the side as she screams out in agony. Germany glares at America and whips out his own gun shooting at him. It goes right into his leg. He falls down to the ground. Germany kneels down beside C/n placing his hand on her wound. "Hilfe, Italy, Japan!" He yells out. "Du ist such an idiot, vhy vould you do zhat?" He asks in concern for the nation. "Because Ich Liebe Dich Germany." She says softly. Germany held her close to his chest.

"Ich Liebe Dich Auch." Just then Italy and Japan ran to the scene. Japan gasped and knelt down beside her. He grabbed a bandage out of his pocket and dug his hand into her wound to get the bullet out. C/n screamed out in pain. When it was finally out Japan wrapped up her side in bandages. By then C/n had passed out. Germany picks her up in his arms bridal style and runs to the house. He lays her on his bed and walks slowly out of the room. "Germany, what-a happened to-a Bella?" Italy asked Germany worried for his close friend. "She took a bullet for me." Germany said putting his head in his hands. Italy whimpered. "Will the-a Bella Ragazza be okay Germany?" 

"Ich don't know Italy."

"She is strong, she wirr be okay." Japan spoke up. I hope so. Thought Germany.

~Timeskip to when you wake up~

Your POV

I feel a sort of pressure on my hand. And someone is talking to me. "C/n, please wake up. I vant to see you alive again, laughing vith Italy, talking about Anime vith Japan or training vith me. Ich Liebe Dich. Please vake up." Germany. I try to open my eyes but they feel glued together (A/n that feels awful I hope you never have to experience your eyes feeling glued together). No I have to wake up for Germany. I think to myself. "G-Germany?" I ask my voice hoarse. My eyes finally open and I can see Germany holding onto my s/c hand.  I struggle to sit up and he helps me. When I am sat up and comfortable he hugs me tight. "Don't you ever do zhat again you Dummkoph. You scared me." He muttered into my shoulder. I hug him back. We stay in that position for a while before he pulls away and kisses my forehead. "You missed." I whisper. He looks at me strangely. I roll my eyes before grabbing his collar and placing my lips on his. He kisses back a lot more passionately than I do before Italy comes bursting into the room. "Germa- Um I'll-a leave you-a two alone-a." Italy mutters before walking awkwardly out of the room. Germany rolls his eyes and looks at me smiling. "Ich Liebe Dich C/n." He says softly.

"Ich Liebe Dich Auch Germany." I smile before kissing him again.

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