Denmark X Reader: Safe and Sound~

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  Y/n L/n was one of the strongest women Matthias knew. She had fought against everything any country had thrown at her, she never allowed herself to get too down, she stood by her friends with an undying loyalty that even he didn't have.She was brave, she was joyful. She brought light to the world. She never gave up on him, despite how annoying he could be. She was always there to comfort him when he was upset or scared or just when he felt lonely. They held a strong connection with each other, one that no one but them could even begin to understand. They were the Best of Friends, the best allies too.

I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight  

 So when he found her crying on the floor of her bedroom, he was very alarmed. Even more so once he told her what was wrong. "Matthias, I'm scared." Matthias hated seeing her like that, tears streaming down her cheeks, shaking in a corner, afraid. It was like the light that she usually emitted was covered by shadows, and he despised it. He sat beside her and held her tight in his arms, letting  her know he was there. "I'll never let you go, I'm right here, always." She had smiled and thanked him then. He stayed with her that night, they had fallen asleep, with the representation of Denmark's arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and her head on his shoulder. Neither of them had any fears that night.

  Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound.

A war had broken out between her and America, and she was terrified. She had fought in many wars and the fact that she was being shipped off again to fight against the strongest country- she had every right to be scared. Denmark was scared too, but he was scared for her and her safety. He couldn't lose her, he couldn't bear to let her die. Which is why he chose to join her in battle. Every night that the two shared in their separate bunker would be shared by telling the other their hopes, dreams and stories. "One day I hope that I will wake up to the morning rays and be safe and sound in my own bed with you in another bed next to mine." The Dane let slip during one of their conversations. To his surprise, the woman next to him smiled, took his hand and whispered 'I hope so too'.

  Don't you dare look out your window
Darling, everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

"Don't look Y/n!" Matthias yelled over the noise of gunfire to his best friend. He was knelt down in a ditch, holding her bleeding head to his chest. A bullet had grazed her head, right near her eyes, causing her to be momentarily blinded. A grenade was thrown on the ground just a few meters above their heads. Y/n tried to look up, to see where it had landed, but the Danish man pulled her back down. "Everythings on fire! You won't be able to see anything from the smoke!" He yelled to her. She had nodded and sat down next to him, exhausted. It took her a few moments to realise that Denmark was crying. Sobs wracked his body as he pulled his knees to his chest and rocked back and forth. "I'm scared." He choked out quietly, but C/n still somehow managed to hear him. "It's okay Den, one day this war will end, and the music of the guns will be gone!" Even during such dark times, Y/n stayed positive. It was a trait that Matthias greatly admired about the woman. 

  Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound  

The War was coming to an end, at last, Y/n and Matthias still fought bravely. One was never seen without the other, they were inseparable. Once again they were in their bunker, watching as the sun fell down over the horizon. Their hands were interlocked. It was a sign that they were both there, that they were both still alive. "One day you and I will be safe and sound, back at home, where we will both stare out at the sea and remember these days," Matthias whispered. Y/n smiled and leant into him, gazing at the sunset. "One day the sun will rise and we will smile, with the knowledge that we are safe." She whispered back. Matthias smiled down at her, pressing a friendly kiss to her head before slipping into his bed, gesturing Y/n to do the same. "Close your eyes, the sun has gone to sleep, and so should we if we want to be up in time for breakfast." Y/n laughed at her friends' words and stepped into her own bed, curling up under the covers. "Good night Matthias."

Just close your eyes,
You'll be alright,
Come morning light,
You and I'll be Safe,
And sound~

"Matthias! Look out!" Matthias moved out of the way, just quick enough to avoid the whizzing bullet that was soaring through the air in his direction. "Thanks, Y/n!" He yelled back, shooting his gun at the man that was trying to kill him. He felt a prick of guilt stab his chest as the bullet ripped through the air and lodged itself deep in the man's chest. Despite that the man was on the opposite side to him, Matthias felt bad knowing that he probably had a family at home who would be devastated when they heard that he had been killed. A sudden yell of pain made him whip around to face a sight that he never wanted to see. Y/n stood up shakily, a bullet wound in her stomach. "Y/n!" Matthias yelled out as he ran to her side. Tears began to pour out of his cerulean eyes. He pressed his hand to the wound, trying to stop the blood flow. Y/n smiled and lifted a bloody hand to his face. "I'm sorry Matthias, I know we said we would win this together." 

"No! No, shut up! You aren't going to die! You won't, I won't let you!" His salty tears dropped onto the ground, mixing in with the blood, mud and sweat. "I love you." Y/n fell unconscious in his arms and he barely even registered it when a medic took her out of his arms, placing her on a stretcher and hurrying her away from the scene.

~Happy Ending~ (A/N you can stop right here or you can read on for a happier ending.)

A tall man with gravity-defying blond hair and cerulean coloured blue eyes sat down next to the woman he fought beside, holding on to her hand. They told him that she was in a coma, and would awaken in the next few days or so. "Y/n, baby. Please wake up for me. We won the war, we completely thrashed America's army. We can go to Denmark or C/n and look across the waters, safe and sound away from all of the death and hatred, but for that, you need to wake up!" As if his words were a magic antidote, the female country beside him stirred. Her e/c eyes eventually fluttering open and moving to gaze at the man next to her, who had not yet lifted his head. "Matthias?" Her voice was hoarse and scratchy, but Matthias still looked up at her. So many emotions swirled in his blue eyes, but one stood out among the rest. Love. "Y/n!" He cried out in relief, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his lips onto hers in a desperate and love-filled kiss. Y/n instantly kissed back, wrapping her arms around the soldiers' neck and kissing him back.

 "You and I are safe and sound~"


So, this was my first time writing an actual song-fic, so tell me what you think in the comments!

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