Denmark x Reader: Farvel, Goodbye.

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C/n held the quivering man to her chest, her slender fingers running through his bright blonde hair, her head lowered. Perhaps it was because she was afraid that she looked so solemn, or perhaps it was because of the series of wretched events that had put them in that position, or maybe it was of the unfortunate events to occur? It didn't matter. All that she knew, was that this was goodbye, and she had no clue if there would ever be another hello passing between them again. He had to run, she had to make him safe. There was a brief idea that they could run away together, but the more she thought on that matter, the more it seemed unlikely. Denmark had his arms wrapped around her waist, tightly, he breathed in the scent of sweat and blood from her s/c skin. His hands were shaking terribly, he had never even dreamt that this day would come. She was going where he could not follow, and it frightened him. She was not strong, she had never been able to fully protect herself from the horrors of the world and she was vulnerable to them. "I'm sorry, goodbye Denmark."

War was a terrible thing for a country, even more so, probably, than it was for their people. A nation was completely submerged in the pain of its people, the damage to their land and the economic disadvantage. Many Nations in the past had died from war in their nation, and C/n was not very big or strong. The German-C/n war would inevitably be terrible, and even worse considering that the nations in real life were incredibly good friends. Neither country allowed anyone to help them, this was between them, and only them. Before the war had begun, C/n had broken off all of her alliances, and Germany had done the same. They wanted the battles to be equal. The only regret that she had about doing so, was that it meant that she had to tell her lover to leave. She always held a locket, though, it had a picture of them both inside, and a little message in Danish. That way, she would always be carrying a part of him around with her. The day that she was leaving, he held her close at the most famous port in C/n. "Run, go back to Denmark, it won't be safe for you here anymore." 

"Farvel," He had whispered as she was shipped away. She had stood at the end of the boat, and smiled and him. "Goodbye is not forever!" She had yelled back to him. That was the last time that Denmark would see her in a long time. Despite her wishes, he stayed in C/n for another 4 months, not wanting to leave behind all of the memories. It had been Norway who dragged him away, but he felt a piece of his heart leave. When his cerulean eyes flicked to different areas in the town that the couple lived in, he could feel a weight being placed on his shoulders. German soldiers, parading around beating anyone who got in their way. The remorse on some of their faces was enough for the Danish man to forgive them for hurting his loved one. He understood, as a country, that sometimes people would be forced to do things that they didn't want. Germany's leader had forced them to do this, and that was the only one he blamed for it all. The horrors he saw that day was enough for him to leave and only return when the war was over and won.

Battle after battle was fought, each being worse than the last. Blood stained the muddy ground, sweat mixing with tears and body parts scattered around. C/n coughed up blood, the sticky red substance landing on her shoulder, which was hanging by a few strings of s/c skin. The sweat mixed in with the wounds and burnt. The blood bubbling and festering. The mud mixed with blood, and she could already see the yellow pus forming. It wasn't the worst she had been through in this war, but it most certainly was the worst injury she had. Everything around her was in ruins, her home was being taken over, and she was losing the war. In her mind, she had given up before the fighting even began, she had only stayed semi-positive for the sake of Denmark. She didn't want him to see how bad it was. It would only hurt him more than leaving her already did. She felt her eyes close as she drifted in and out of consciousness, her heart rate slowing down and her thoughts becoming jumbled as she felt herself fall asleep to darkness. The last thing she could hear was the yelling of medics.

Denmark wrung his hands nervously, pacing in the Nordic household. Lately, he had been doing everything to stop him from thinking about C/n, but his thoughts always managed to wander back to his wife. He supposed that that was just what love was, but he couldn't bother to figure it out from worry. He hadn't heard from her at all, she refused to send any letters and had told him not to send her any either. She had said that it would distract her from fighting. The rest of the Nordics had just let him mope, but this was really starting to become annoying. He would barely even speak to anyone, and when he did, he looked really depressed. They understood that he was worried and that he missed C/n, but it was like even if he were only a mile away from her he would break. A loud knock on the door sounded throughout the house, and Denmark sprung to the door, hoping that it would be his love. He opened it wide, his huge grin dropping as soon as he noticed the yellow envelope and dog tags in the person's hand. His eyes widened and he fell to his knees. 

"Goodbye is not forever huh? Liar."

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